Prayer At Public School Athletic Events

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Prayer at Public School Athletic Events
-Can We Get a Moment of-
-Silence Here?-

If public schools are just that, public, then why is the issue of prayer in school such a prominent and controversial debate especially when most of the public wants prayer in school?
The first amendment grants the right to free speech, yet everyday students are punished and ridiculed for their beliefs. Is this a fair system? Every person has his or her own rituals and for many students prayer is one of them.

Agreeing with this matter is Andy Johnson, a current high school football player who says, that "They [the students] should be able to say what they want. Freedom of speech. If they asked the crowd to bow their heads in prayer, they don't have to." Unfortunately not everyone feels the same, such as Jon Hall, a former high school football player who says "I don't agree with it, that's saying you believe everyone is a Christian, and that's wrong. But a moment of silence, that's fine because that's not religious."

The southern states, also known as the "Bible-belt" are the foundation of all the controversy stirring up the nation. At the beginning of the football season in August, Batesburg-
Leesville High School's student body president took a spot in the press box, microphone in hand, and the fans stood without a sound as she said a prayer. Schools across the nation are asking themselves whether they should "continue a tradition" or follow a Supreme Court ruling that was made 2 months ago that "declare school-sponsored prayer at sporting events a violation of students' constitutional rights." (San Diego Union Tribune, 8-27-00, Amy Geier).

Representative Lindsay Graham of South Carolina stated that, " A prayer at a high school football game asking that the players on the field not get hurt and the fans get home safely is in no way the establishment of religion by the government." And she's right. The students or groups who chose, sign-up, or are elected to say a pray, in no way, push a religion to those who might be of another faith...

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...y of protection." All in all the final votes are in the hands of Justices Anthony M. Kennedy and Sandra Day O'Connor. There's also another issue of pray at football games questioning if football games are extracurricular or part of the school system.

It appears that prayer in public schools is heading in one direction - to the top. More and more people are participating and it feeds the decisions of the Supreme Court. Someday soon it's hoped to not have an issue such as this. But as they say..."As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in schools." Keep the spirit.


1. "Justices show differences over school-game prayer | Issue is free speech vs. church-state barrier"
The San Diego Union-Tribune; San Diego, CA; March 30, 2000; Richard Carelli

2. "Top court will rule on prayer | Football-game rituals at issue"
The San Diego Union-Tribune; San Diego, CA; March 27, 2000; Chris Fletcher

3. "Students bypass school officials, pray at football games | In vocation legal if it's voluntary, supporters claim"
The San Diego Union-Tribune; San Diego, CA; August 27, 2000; Amy Geier

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