Power In The Movie Scarface

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Within life regardless of what time period, the geographical location of where you are, the people that surround you, or the career you choose to pursue one will have some association with some sort of power. Whether it is your parents, your professors, the head of an organization, or even your boss at work, everybody is interconnected with power. Power can be a good thing, but it could also have you hung. It has been said that “the greater the power you possess, the more dangerous the abuse.” In the case central to the film “Scarface (1932) the whole issue is centered around the time in the United States when alcohol was strictly prohibited, this period was called prohibition. Prohibition led hundreds maybe thousands of Americans to become bootleggers or involved in bootlegging in any way to make quick and easy money. However reflecting on the ideology of power that I am using for this analysis, this film is a good example of the statement “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. Living this life of pleasing your boss who holds all the power only to be promoted bringing you closer and closer to the boss shows the addiction of power that these bootleggers in Scarface (1932) posses.
In the film Scarface (1932) the ideological message that I personally see is the issue of power, more specifically street credibility, and how your reputation defines you in the streets to other gangsters and thugs. For one to understand the ideological message of power that this films projects one must know a thing or two about how street life was like during the time this film takes place, which is (1932). At this time in United States history, there was a large portion of these criminals who actions and methodology became to be known...

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...r own power, the power of the written word, the power of the press.
Each power that this film portrays is based off of an actual real life situation. First off because the film was based off of historical events of a popular industry at the time of bootlegging when alcohol was illegal during prohibition. Every bit of power that the different characters possessed or acquired through whatever way they went about to get it, the one constant variable that was shared was the wanting of power but then once that power was officially obtained they saw the next higher position that held even more power and focused on obtaining it, which is why I named this paper the cycle of power. Everybody wants power and obtaining it can get sketchy, but one thing is certain, power leads to corruption, and the question that if one gets too much power, then when will the vicious cycle end?

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