Positive Behavior Support (PBS)

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Topic: Behavior Modification
Positive behavior support (PBS) “is a practical approach for decreasing problem behavior and improving the quality of life (QOL) for individuals of all ages and abilities” (Dunlap, Carr, Horner, Zarcone, & Schwartz, 2008, p. 682). Since the middle of 1980, it has been studied in order to understand and intervene problem behavior. PBS was derived primarily from Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), although they have important differences in definitions and emphases. PBS is characterized as a multiple component process that includes social, behavioral, educational and biomedical factors and combines evidence-based practices with formal system change strategies. According to Dunlap et all., (2008) PBS has …show more content…

Additionally, Evidence Based Practices (EBPs) is used to prevent and reduce interfering behavior in children and youth with ASD. Social and communication skills is a key focus for all tiers (1,2 and, 3) and includes teaching the target skill, demonstrating how is it used through adult and peer modeling, practicing with adults and typically developing peers, providing students with constructive feedback and general across activities, settings, and individuals (Scott & Caron, 2005) cited by (Neitzel, J. 2010, p. …show more content…

Neitzel, J (2010) discussed in her article about the effect of tiered intervention model by the implementation of positive behavior supports in children and youth with autism spectrum disorders, as well as, the effect of evidence based practice to teach social and communication skills.
Blair, K., Fox, L., & Lentini, R. (2010). Use of positive behavior to address the challenging behavior of young children within a community early childhood program. Journal of Topics in Early Childhood Special Education. 30, 68-79. Retrieved from: tec.sagepub.com at NEW JERSEY CITY UNIV on February 10, 2016.
Dunlap, G., Carr, E., Horner, R., Zarcone, J., & Schwartz, I. (2008). Positive Behavior Support and Applied Behavior Analysis A Familial Alliance. Journal of Behavior Modification. 32, 682-698. Retrieved from: bmo.sagepub.com at NEW JERSEY CITY UNIV on February 10, 2016.
Dunlap, G., Kincaid, D., Horner, R., Knoster, T., & Bradshaw, C. (2013). A comment on the term “Positive Behavior Support”. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 16, 133-136. Retrieved from: http://pbi.sagepub.com/content/16/3/133 at NEW JERSEY CITY UNIV on February 22,

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