Positive And Negative Effects Of Progress

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During the last decades, human’s lives have been developing so fast that people are not always able to notice the difference around. Progress has different definitions; one of the most popular definitions of progress is to move forward and develop. Human progress is the idea that the world and humans improve in terms of science, technology, liberty, modernization, democracy, quality of life… Nowadays, people can see progress in different aspects of life such as industry, agriculture, communication. I agree with Becker that “cultural construct invented for all practical purposes in the Renaissance” for the advancement of capitalist propaganda and that progress is but a useful cultural myth promoting the “idea of regular and eternal improvement of the human condition, largely through the exploitation of nature and the acquisition of material goods”. Even though many people think that progress is a positive thing, I think that progress is not always good as it has many negative effects on society, the environment, and the economy.

To call readers attention to the negatives effects of human progress on humans lives without denying its advantages, and to change people’s minds regarding the concept of progress in which developing cannot always mean it makes their lives happier.

Due to the limited scope of this paper, I limited my essay to the negative effects of technology on society, environment and economy, and not on transportation, medication or education.

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...plaining some of effects of progress on the society, environment and economy, it is obvious that progress is not always positive. Progress always has two sides positive and negative, for example when Einstein was creating atomic bomb he was not thinking about the catastrophe which this bomb would make in Hiroshima, instead he was thinking about the progress. Progress depends on the cultural level of the people who use the results of progress. People in the future must reasonable and alert and try to contribute to the prevention of the negative effects of this progress. We must keep human development in proper perspective. The present, with all its imperfections, is just an improvement of the past. Therefore, understanding and appreciating the progress that humanity has made does not mean that to stop trying to make the future even better than the present.

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