Pope Francis And Max Weber's Politics As A Vocation

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In each society, there can be several authority figures or leaders, who individuals trust and commend because of the power they hold. This power can derive from multiple sources, such as tradition and order, admirable qualities and ability to think rationally in difficult situations. In his 1919 publication, Politics as a Vocation, Max Weber, a well-known German sociologist, outlines the three primary forms of authority: 'traditional', 'charismatic,' and 'legal' authority figures (Weber 1919, 2). The purpose of this essay is to discuss why Aideed Jr. can be identified as a charismatic authority, and Pope Francis as a traditional authority.
Pope Francis can be a recognized as a traditional authority, who gets his authoritative power as a leader …show more content…

Similarly, in Max Weber's Politics as a Vocation, it states, "…the authority of the 'eternal yesterday,' i.e. of the mores sanctified through the unimaginably ancient recognition and habitual orientation to conform. This is 'traditional' domination exercised by the patriarch and the patrimonial prince of yore" (Weber 1919, 2). Thus, traditional authorities acquire their leadership and dominance through established tradition and practices. Individuals in society who acknowledge traditional order and practices often recognize and follow these authority figures. Likewise, individuals who believe in religion as a social institution and God may also follow these leaders and their teachings. Pope Francis fits this description of traditional authority as he urges followers who consulted their devices to alternatively consult their Bibles instead and more often. Pope …show more content…

Overall, Pope Francis can be recognized as a traditional authority, who gets his sense of power from the divine command of God and ancient order. These sources of power allow him to acquire a large following of Catholics who have faith in his teachings. On the contrary, Aideed Jr. can be identified as a charismatic authority who obtains his position as an influential leader through his charisma and appealing qualities. These qualities have allowed him to be devoted to his cause and make a difference in the society. By considering the different types of authorities, individuals can better understand the different authorities that exist and why they continue to influence individuals in society the way they

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