Polyurethane Dressing Lab Report

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Peripheral intravenous catheters show benefit in Cabooltures emergency departments every day, however emergency department has noticed PIC dislodging 48 hours after being inserted. The focus of this research trial is to compare the two types of patient group’s, standard group who used transparent cloth- bordered polyurethane dressing to PIC and skin group who transparent cloth boarded polyurethane dressing + cyanoacrylate glue to hold PIC, comparison was investigated. Patients selected for groups comprised of patients admitted to the emergency department with preexisting inserted PIC, aged 18 years plus. Primary issue concentrated on PIC failure at 48 hours in emergency departments and inferior outcomes included different IVC …show more content…

With the use of skin glue plus transparent cloth bordered polyurethane dressing will this help secure PIC’S in emergency departments compared to the standard group who used transparent cloth bordered polyurethane dressing alone?. What are other techniques used in other hospitals for securement of PIC’S. Will the use of cyanoacrylate glue as well as transparent cloth bordered polyurethane dressings help reduce the dislodgment rate of PIC’s in Caboolture emergency department patients? The study needed to find an ultimatum towards reducing failure rates with dislodgement that kept occurring in emergency departments, whilst using the PIC. Emergency departments in hospitals Caboolture in particular are spending too much money and time of the patient and medical team on the particular device the IPC. Patients are feeling vulnerable to reoccurring errors with dislodgment of PICS and nurses are other medical staff are feeling disappointed that they are unable to properly administer medication and other fluids properly within the IPC. The null hypothesis stated if addition of skin glue to the insertion site of peripheral intravenous catheters in the ED would reduce the device failure rate at 48 hours. Scientific hypothesis helps nurse researchers establish research trials and observe phenomenon being tested in these trials (Fabio Porto, 2015) Interventions …show more content…

Secondary outcome included types of different types of clinical failures that occurred with the ICP including infection of the area the catheter was placed which was upper limb IPC, phlebitis which included irritation and trauma to the vein the IPC was being placed into, occlusion which mentions the patient is unable to withdraw intravenous fluids from the IPC due to a blockage example thrombotic blockage., or dislodgement of IPC from patient this can be caused by loose fittings example transparent cloth bordered polyurethane

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