Polygamy Is Harmful To Children's Development

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After reading all the negative effects of polygamy people wonder why polygamy still exists and the answer is simple, fear. Fear holds polygamy together like glue. In the article, “Polygamy Is Harmful to Children’s Development” by Pete Vere, Rene insinuates how leaving a polygamist lifestyle instills fear in teenagers, “Most believe they’re condemned to hell. Many will end up alcoholics, drug addicts, strippers, prostitutes, and prisoners” (qtd. in 1). For this reason, teenagers are too scared to leave polygamy, they do not want to be condemned to hell, or end up unsuccessful, which is exactly what polygamist leaders tell them will happen. Hearing these things everyday destroys both girls and boys self-worth. Consequently they belittle themselves and do not strive to become someone great. In the article “Secrets of Polygamy Revealed” Irene Spencer claims that, people are brainwashed into thinking polygamy is a must, she says, “From a fourth generation polygamous family, it had been drilled into the young girl that plural marriage was required to enter heaven” (1). For some people, grasping the concept of polygamy may be difficult, but for the people who have grown up …show more content…

Leaving polygamy is like trying to leave a gang, “Wives are threatened with mental institutions if they fail to ‘keep sweet’ or obedient for their husbands” (Chon and Kelly 1). One of the things that makes America great is freedom, allowing polygamy America is taking away this freedom, because people do not choose it they are forced into it. They are forced into it and unable to do anything about it because they are fearful of what may happen if they do. Polygamist households run on fear, “He ruled his house with fear. I remember how deathly afraid I was whenever he came home from work” (Mackert 1). When people are fearful towards someone they do not question anything they say. Instead they just do as they are

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