Pollan Essay About Lawn Dissint

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Pollan essay ("Why Mow? . . .) 1] What is a "lawn dissident"? Dissident described in a dictionary is someone that actively challenges rules or doctrine. Lawn dissident in this article is a person who is challenging the policies that everyone has to have the same looking lawn just because someone of the authority says that thats the way it supposed to be. 2] What do you think of the father's response to the neighbor who asked (on behalf of the community) that he mow his lawn? What did he do, and how do you feel about it? The authors father response is absolutely classic. Instead of arguing with his neighbor, who is also his friend, he simply walks to the shed, gets the lawn mover, and proceeds to cut his initials in to the grass. I believe …show more content…

We continuously build ourselves up, only to let the media tear us back down. Instead of trying to conform, we need to begin to stand up for the values we believe in, so that we are not disappointed when we don't live up to media standards. As same as the metaphor about the lawn, a lawn never really has the opportunity to grow and blossom because as soon as it grows a little we cut it down. People can learn a lot by standing up for what they believe in instead of always being influenced by …show more content…

Kings tone was serious, but she used humor and sarcasm to entertain the reader. I think her tone undercuts her argument because she is using too much sarcasm and is portraying smoking as a good thing. She comes of as very disrespectful and arrogant person. Everyone has the free will to choose how they live their own live, but they not have the right to harm or disrespect others. She crosses the line with some of her comments; and therefore, she looses the value of the article. Smoker or non smoker everyone deserves a

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