Police Use Of Deadly Force Essay

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The use of deadly force involving police officers has a lot of attention this past year. In today’s news and social media, there have been more reports and videos of police officers using deadly force on their suspects and how the victims of the police where not a threat. There have been people that were killed and that they had no weapons on them, were mentally challenged, or were just running away and most of the time the police officer will say that it was a necessary use of deadly force. According to sites, like theguardian.com “South Carolina Shooting Raises about how the U.S. has more deaths by cops than any other countries, which is a serious problem, and while on CNN, they found out by Friedman, a civil rights attorney and law professor, that in a case of Walter Scott, who was unarmed and running away, that “the use of deadly force is permitted but conditional”. Therefore, this means …show more content…

Reporting police officer with bad behaviors towards people should be a way to reduce the use of deadly force. If police officers act rude or ill-mannered toward people in normal situations wouldn’t it be in the future that their attitude would get worse and then the way they handle normal situations could change and possibly be more aggressive toward the people. However, if they are reported that could help in the officer being punished and for him/her to change their attitude. It could maybe put the officer on leave, maybe without pay, until they do fix the problems that people had towards them and this could also be a reminder to cops who act ill-mannered that people will do something and could have a negative effect on them. In addition, when people know in situations when they feel the cop is being forceful it is always important for the people to know their

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