Polar Bears Research Paper

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Polar Bears By: Devin Cozad
Polar bears live at the top of the world where it is a wintry wonderland. Icebergs float at the top of the cold Arctic ocean. In the winter, the temperature often falls to thirty below zero fahrenheit and the sun almost never rises. The ocean is surrounded by frozen ground.

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Polar bears have thick fur, huge paws and some other features that will make them well prepared for life in the harsh environment. In fact, they need sea ice for survival. Climate change is causing bigger and bigger area’s of the summer sea ice to melt. Experts say that there is hot weather patterns continue the Arctic could have no summer sea ice by 2050. …show more content…

Jeffrey Bonner is trying to work with different zoo and aquarium officials across the country that way we could try to prevent polar bears from dying out. Polar bears rely on their sea ice as their base for hunting, eating and breeding.

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Polar bears aren’t able to survive very long on land. The main source of food the polar bears eat is seal. Polar bears hunt for seals through the opening in the ice. Polar bears need the ice or else they can’t catch their prey. In summer, polar bears that live on land eat very little and waits for the isea ice to return.

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With the sea ice forming later in the year and melting earlier, the polar bears don’t got enough opportunity to hunt and eat. Less sea ice makes it harder for the polar bears to catch seals. The polar bears must swim longer distances away between ice packs, and they can’t always make it. The sea ice is also getting thinner which means the polar bears won’t be able to catch seals when there is no ice left.


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