Point Of View In 'Cask And Killings'

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These are actually a struggle for me because it is hard for me to comprehend stories even if I read them a few times. Question 1: Discuss the ways in which point of view function in both "Cask" and "Killings" to cause us to react very differently to Montressor and Matt even though they both kill. What, specifically, do the characters do and say that makes them sympathetic or unsympathetic? The point of view in both stories from the characters are both seeking revenge but they both have different reasons for seeking revenge. Montressor I see is could both be sympathetic and unsympathetic because he says “Heart grew sick on account of the catacombs” and “Piece may he rest” meaning that he did and didn’t have an internal conflict which could make him sympathetic and unsympathetic. Just like Montressor, I see that he could both be sympathetic or unsympathetic only because Matt killed Richard to get revenge on Frank. Frank only got killed because he was dating Mary-Ann. …show more content…

There is both tension between Frank and Richard. Frank is twenty-one years old. He seemed to be smart because he graduated from a university. Frank starts to date Mary-Ann. Richard is twenty-six. He seemed to be athletic because he got scholarships to play football at a university. Richard was married Mary-Ann. The last question kind of answered this question if I view him as sympathetic or unsympathetic. Matt has a good point why he should kill Richard but then again Richard has a good reason why he killed Frank. Question

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