Plessy Vs Ferguson

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In 1951 , the parents of 20 children in Topeka , Kansas, filed a class action lawsuit in the US District Court against the Board of Education of Topeka City . The parents claimed that the school district to reverse its policy of racial segregation , stating that since black children lived and played with white children , should be allowed to go to the same schools . The three District Court judges ruled in favor of the BOE , citing Plessy v Ferguson as a precedent.

Brown v the BOE was not the first court case that challenged the educational segregation . More than 100 years before Brown v BOE argued that a segregated education system did not provide equal opportunities for all students , especially non- whites. In 1850 , the Supreme Court of Massachusetts ruled in favor of the City of Boston , establishing the "separate but equal " phrase . The case against Boston Roberts was used as precedent in Plessy v Ferguson , 1896, in which the US Supreme Court He reaffirmed the "separate but equal " in all public places , not only in educational facilities policy. The Supreme Court ruled that segregation did not violate the Fourteenth Amendment , which guarantees constitutional rights for all Americans . …show more content…

Against the Board of Education ein Topeka , Kansas " was titled , named after Oliver Brown and his daughter , Linda , who had to walk several blocks to their bus stop school and then take a bus for one mile (1.5 km ) to reach its segregated school for blacks , while whites elementary school was a few blocks away . In 1951 , parents in the case of the District Court had attempted to enroll their children in primary school targets, only to be

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