Plea Bargaining Reflects The Crime Control And Due Process Model In Criminal Justice

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In this paper I will evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of plea bargaining. I will define plea bargaining, distinguish between charge bargaining and sentence bargaining, and I will describe how plea bargaining reflects the crime control and due process models in criminal justice.
Many criminal cases are settled outside of the courts by having both sides come to a mutual agreement. This is the process known as negotiating a plea or simply plea bargaining. Plea bargaining is common for many reasons. Plea bargaining makes it possible for defendants to avoid the time and cost of defending themselves at trial, the risk of a harsher punishment, and the publicity of a trial. Plea bargaining can also save the prosecution time and money by avoiding …show more content…

In charge bargaining the prosecutor can negotiate with the defendant on the charges that could be filed. With charge bargaining, if the defendant agrees to plead guilty to one of the options of charges the court most approve the plea bargain. In sentence bargaining, the defendant may agree to plead guilty to a charge in exchange for a lighter sentence. If the defendant does plead guilty to a charge for a lighter sentence, it still has to be approved by the court. This is a risky plea bargain considering that the judge does not have to comply with the prosecutions recommendation and could still end up serving a harsh …show more content…

Some disadvantages can be that the public feels as though the defendant got away with the crime or the sentence was too lenient. A major disadvantage is that innocent people actually accept a plea bargain pleading guilty to a lesser charge to avoid the risk of possibly being found guilty at a trial. “Some attorneys and judges argue that plea bargaining has led to poor police investigations and attorneys who do not take the time to properly prepare their cases. They believe that instead of pursuing justice, the parties rely on making a deal and that the details of what happened and the legal consequences for those actions are less important.” (CITE 2)It has also been argued that plea bargaining is unconstitutional because it takes away the defendant’s constitutional right to have a trial by jury. “If the defendant is coerced or pressured into a plea bargain agreement the argument may have weight. However, if the defendant, at all times in the criminal case, retains the right to trial by jury without pressure to make an agreement the courts have found that plea bargaining remains constitutional.” ( CITE

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