Pi Has A Strange Name Essay

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Pi feels very insignificant throughout many parts in his life and realizes that he has to adapt to them to become more significant again. In the beginning of the book, we see how Pi has a pretty weird name. His name sounds a lot like “Pissing” and everyone at school and around his neighborhood make fun of him for having a strange name and only start calling him “Pissing”. Pi has started off his life by already feeling insignificant and weird because of him getting bullied about his name, something he is born with. In india he is discovering his spiritual side and learning about different religions. When his family find out that he is following three religions, he is harassed and told he can't do such a thing. Fearing the unknown and things …show more content…

At first, when he’s on the boat with the other animals, he is the smallest and weakest of the bunch. After watching the hyena, zebra, orangutan, and Richard Parker brawling, Pi found himself hiding and kneeling. “Curiosity got the best of me. I had to see her better. Despite the rolling of the boat, I brought myself to a kneeling position” (Martel 121). After Pi is done hiding from all of the bigger, stronger animals, he gets up and decides to watch it all unfold. This shows his insignificance because he is aware that he is the smallest and weakest of all of the animals on the boat. Eventually all of the animals die off and it is just Pi and Richard Parker left. While he is having a brawl with the tiger over territory and power, he is still terrified. At this moment to stay alive and show he is relevant and has dominance over the tiger, he yells and waves his arms and blows his whistle as loud as he can. However, even though Pi now established dominance over Richard Parker, he is still insignificant. “I saw my suffering for what it was, finite and insignificant, and I was still” (Martel 177). In this quote, he realizes that even though he’s suffering now, all these things still mean nothing in comparison to all that’s around him like the moon, the bright stars, calm waters, and the vastness of the

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