Physical Castration is The Most Effective Punishment for Sex Offenders

1979 Words4 Pages

In Texas, May 2012 a repeat child sex offender Craig Stephen Hoard was handed seven life sentences. Hoard was convicted of indecency in 1977 and was released for parole from prison in February 2001. Seven days later he was convicted for sex with a child. He served nine years in state prison. Three months after his release from his nine year sentence in 2010 he was arrested again. In June 2010, Police arrested Hoard, finding child porn on his computer and iPod. A video of Hoard was found of him in a restroom stall at a pizza place in Conroe instructing a five year old to expose his genitals. Judge Hamilton could not change what Hoard has done to many children in the past but she can stop Hoard from ever harming another child. Judge Hamilton sentenced Hoard to seven life sentences. District Attorney Brett Ligon is quoted saying ,“Mr. Hoard has proven that he cannot control his predatory nature.” Sex offenders betray the trust humans have for other humans. Many victims of sex offenders believe that their rights were betrayed by another human being. This leaves the victims with many emotional and physical damages they will never be able to forget. Sexual abuse violates a person’s right and trust in other humans. Physical castration is an extreme punishment that benefits both the offender and the victim in the easiest of ways. Having an extreme punishment like physical castration will help stop any other offenses from occurring. While giving the offender both a clean slate to work with and a minimized risk of reoffending, physical castration is the most effective punishment over all others and it gives the most peace of mind to victims while being the most cost efficient.
With physical castration, the offender would be able to get a...

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...start their new life.
Physical castration is a very harsh punishment but by far the easiest and has the best results. Physical castration has the greatest benefits for the offender, the victims, and the people around them. The surgery gives the offender a clean slate to be able to form back into society. Offenders who have had the surgery have one of the lowest recidivism rates out of any other studied punishment. Chemical castration, neurosurgery, and therapy are all punishments that don't work as well as physical castration. Knowing the offender had the surgery, the public around them have peace of mind while living in society with these offenders. Physical castration is by far the cheapest and easiest of all other punishments researched. While physical castration is very invasive and seen as unethical it has the best results out of any other punishment around.

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