Photosynthesis: An Experiment On The Process Of Photosynthesis

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Student 1
Photosynthesis is a process in which carbohydrates are formed from carbon dioxide and hydrogen and in this light act as an energy source. End result is also oxygen and some byproducts. It is mainly done by plants not by animals. In photosynthesis plant uses the light taken from the sun for the conversion of carbon dioxide and water to glucose and oxygen. It converts the carbon dioxide taken from the atmosphere to oxygen whereas cellular respiration is opposite to that of photosynthesis. Human inhales oxygen which is produced by those plants and exhale carbon dioxide. In cellular respiration a compound is formed which is known as ATP. It is basically a process in which breaking of nutrients occur to provide humans with energy so that …show more content…

In photosynthesis plant intake water (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2) and light from the sun to produce oxygen (O2) and sugar or glucose (C6H12O6). During the process the cells of the plant restrict some amount of energy obtained from sun light into sugar molecule. Contrary to this in cellular respiration cells requires oxygen to decompose sugar. When it is broken down an energy is released which is transmitted to an ATP (adenosine triphosphate) molecule. We can say ATP is power source of energy gives energy to cells to perform their functionalities. As we are aware of that these both are inverse of each other the difference is that one process takes the energy from the sunlight and the other process takes the energy from the ATP molecule. If we compare both the processes we will see that they are complementary of each other means that the other process is not possible without each other. If Photosynthesis does not take place no glucose or oxygen will be created without this cellular respiration is not possible. In the same way cellular respiration manufactures water and carbon dioxide which are necessary elements for photosynthesis. For living organisms such as humans and animals oxygen is an essential element because if oxygen is not present they cannot live. So if photosynthesis doesn’t take place it wouldn’t pull carbon dioxide from air and oxygen will not be created in return and if cellular respiration doesn’t take place carbon dioxide wouldn’t be added in the atmosphere and process of photosynthesis cannot happen. So if both these processes are disturbed our system will be out

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