Philosophy: Plato’s Theaetetus

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Plato’s Theaetetus is one of the most read and interpreted texts under the subject of philosophy. Within the dialect, many topics and questions are analyzed and brought to light. Leon Pearl is the author of Is Theaetetus Dreaming?, which discusses the positions taken on the topic of ‘dreaming’ and ‘being awake’, which is conferred about within the Theaetetus. Pearl critiques the question: “How can you determine whether at this moment we are sleeping and all our thoughts are a dream; or whether we are awake and talking to one another in the waking state” asked by Socrates within Plato’s Theaetetus (Pearl, p.108). Pearl first analyzes the question from the skeptic’s point of view and then proceeds to falsify the skeptic’s argument by his own interpretation, stating that “if a man is awake and believe that he is awake, then this constitutes a sufficient condition for his knowing the he is awake” (Pearl, p.108). Within Pearl’s argument, the conclusion at the end of section II becomes questionable when considering that knowledge and true belief have no distinction in the ‘awake state’ of mind.
At the end of Pearl’s section I, the skeptic concludes that, “it is not possible for Theaetetus to know that he is awake”, which is exactly what Pearl is trying to refute through the concepts of ‘waking’ and ‘dreaming’ in section II (Pearl, p. 109). Pearl first begins by considering how an observer would justify whether Theaetetus does or does not know that Theaetetus himself, is awake. Through this example he forms multiple premises, which lead him to form his final conclusion that based on “the ground that there can be no meaningful distinction betweens a man’s possessing the true belief that he is awake from his knowing it to be a fact”, “a ...

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...ue belief have no distinction within the ‘awake state’ of mind, which I proved to be uncertain (Pearl, p. 110). By pointing out the skeptics view on the question, “How can you determine whether at this moment we are sleeping and all our thoughts are a dream; or whether we are awake and talking to one another in the waking state”, inquired by Socrates to Theaetetus in Plato’s Theaetetus, Pearl gained insight into the opposing position, which in turn gave him more information when refuting the skeptics argument. Plato’s Theaetetus have sparked many exuberant discussions over decades on simple topics many people would not think to bring to light, giving philosphers more insight into _______.

Works Cited

Pearl, Leon. "Is Theaetetus Dreaming?" Philosophy and Phenomenological Research31.1 (1970): 108-13. JSTOR. Web. 6 Mar. 2014. .

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