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When picking an author that is the “epitome of what it means to be an American,” one author in particular stands out to me every time, and it is an author who is probably not considered by many to be an “American” author. Her name is Phillis Wheatley. Through her writings, Wheatley expresses her patriotism and overall respect for life in America, gaining her recognition by critics and fans alike, and a major spot in the topic of American Literature. Within my essay, I aim to prove how Wheatley deserves the title of being labeled an American, and how she embodies the topic of what it means to be an American.
Readers unfamiliar with Phillis Wheatley may wonder of her background and who she was in particular to be able to gain rights to be mentioned in early American literature. Wheatley was born in 1753 and was captured by Africans, and sold to an American family known as the Wheatley’s. She quickly became a member of the Wheatley family, living in the home, and being tutored on reading and writing.
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Her writings became published throughout the colonies, and eventually a book published overseas, which gained her freedom in October of 1773. During the course of her life, our nation’s first president, George Washington, praised Wheatley for her writings of independence of America. She was a notable character, indeed, which led to her recognition within American literature. In Wheatley’s first published work, On Being Brought from Africa to America, Wheatley says “Twas mercy brought me from my Pagan land, Taught my benighted soul to understand That there’s a God, that there’s a Savior too:” This is perhaps the first example of Wheatley’s patriotism, or being an American, as she says it is “mercy” that brought her to America, showing her appreciation for being here.
Appreciation of being in America is a notable trait of what it means to be an American, as a true American enjoys being here. She also notes her discovery of religion by being brought here, and while the “melting pot” is America’s trademark, her recognition of Christianity (75% of Americans recognize themselves as Christians) sparks yet another characteristic of her being an example of an American. Christian or not, her being comfortable with her religion, as she expresses in other poems, is a prime example of Americanism as we encourage everyone to freely express
themselves. In an article written by Robert Kendrick, (Re-membering America: Phillis Wheatley’s Intertextual Epic), he mentions that “she develops a distinctly American epic intertextually within the body of her work.” A prime example of Wheatley developing this American epic and her patriotism in general is written within her poem, His Excellency George Washington. Within this writing she states, “The land of freedom’s heaven-defended race! Fix’d are the eyes of nations on the scales, for in their hopes Columbia’s arm prevails.” In this exclamation, Wheatley writes of her, and others, hopes that America prevails in the war, as freedom is seen as the outcome. These two sentences alone are the epitome of being an American, as she is exclaiming her hope and belief in America prevailing over the enemy. An American is someone who believes in their country, their leaders, and their defenders and Wheatley expresses this very same attitude. Also within this writing, Wheatley goes on to directly speak to George Washington, is which she tells him, “Proceed, great chief, with virtue on thy side, Thy ev’ry action let the Goddess guide. A crown, a mansion, and a throne that shine, With gold unfading, WASHINGTON! Be thine.” Her direct message to Washington exemplifies patriotism as she praises and encourages her leader to be victorious, showing not only her respect, but love of the country in general. As mentioned earlier, Washington sends praise to her later in life for her writings of independence and her belief in him overall. As an American, it is difficult to not recognize Wheatley as an example of the same with her profound encouragement to our leaders while engaging in a war that ended up shaping our entire nation. Within my writing, I have undoubtedly proved to myself and hopefully my reader that Wheatley not only deserves, but earned her place as an example of an American and what it means to be one. America was founded on exploration, so her critics’ claim of her being from Africa affects her place as an “American” is invalid. Her birthplace has nothing to do with her capability of representing America. Through her writings Wheatley expressed not only her appreciation, but patriotism for America, earning her a place within literature. Anne Applegate writes in her journal Phillis Wheatley: Her Critics and her Contribution, “for many reasons, her poetry is definitely worthy of consideration in the study of early American literature. Viewed in light of her background, her accomplishments are notable…..Phillis made a worthy contribution as a minor poet to American literature of the eighteenth century, and should be recognized not only as a notable Black writer, but also as a notable American author.” To keep Applegate’s claim going, Wheatley has beyond proved herself worthy of worldwide recognition. Unfortunately, she is mostly viewed as notable Black writer, and seldom gains appreciation as an established American author. Her respect, patriotism, and love of America should gain her recognition in every aspect. She should be mentioned as an example of an American, and also as a writer worthy of not only placement, but praise within the subject of American literature.
A little background on the author of “Liberty and Peace” Mrs. Phillis Wheatley she was brought to the America in the 1700’s from west Africa for slavery. However, she was only seven years old and end up in Boston instead of the south other slaves. It was there where her literary talents were discovered by her slave masters the Wheatley’s. She was taught to read and write like the other children within the Wheatley’s household. Her first published poem was at the age of thirteen told the story of rescue at sea and was published without any problems. However even though she was literate she was still far away from her homeland. She expressed her feels through her later poems, which many were not published because of her being an African
The authors’ literary works had a way of communicating and expressing their way of life by their own writing styles. The authors I will discuss shared their experience adapting into American culture. The authors I chosen to discuss is Anne Bradstreet, Phillis Wheatley, and Thomas Paine who are distinctly different people who share a common background, but overcome different obstacles living in America. The criteria I have to share about their life experiences is their own writings and documented information from credible resources. The analyses and interpretations in the authors writings gives us idea about who they are because of their hardships in America, a new government, and their new culture.
Wheatley was born in West Africa around 1750, and was captured when she was 7. John Wheatley purchased Phillis for his wife, Susanna; together they taught Phillis how to read and write, and as early as 12, Phillis was writing poetry and her first poem had been published. Wheatley’s poems implicitly advocated for racial equality, while condemning slavery. Her work received some negative feedback from political figureheads, such as Thomas Jefferson. White America classified a human as having the ability to read, write, and reason; therefore, leaving no room for the uneducated Africans, seeing Africans as nonhuman. Jefferson claimed Wheatley’s work was not literature because the moment he admitted Wheatley’s work was indeed literature, he would have had to admit she was a human being. The way Phillis Wheatley handled the adversity she faced is admirable. Wheatley definitely impacted American history, and “owes her place in history to advocates of inequality” (Young 1999
Phillis Wheatley overcame extreme obstacles, such as racism and sexism, to become one of the most acclaimed poets in the 18th Century. Her works are characterized by religious and moral backgrounds, which are due to the extensive education of religion she received. In this sense, her poems also fit into American Poetry. However, she differs in the way that she is a black woman whose writings tackle greater subjects while incorporating her moral standpoint. By developing her writing, she began speaking out against injustices that she faced and, consequently, gave way to authors such as Gwendolyn Brooks and Countee Cullen.
Phillis Wheatley, who is now known as one of America’s most scholarly writers, has made a major impact on American Literature today. Her role in Literature had influenced many African Americans during this time period because it was very uncommon for them to become educated. Her poems made some people realize that they shouldn’t have slaves. Many people say that Phillis Wheately should go down in history as a hero while others say that she should not. Phillis is a historical hero because of the extraordinary courage that she showed by writing her poems while facing the adversities that she encountered.
Fetterley, Judith. The Resisting Reader: A Feminist Approach to American Literature. Bloomington and London: Indiana University Press, xi-xxiv. Print.
In the article, The World of Phillis Wheatley, James Rawley’s main thesis is to show that Phillis Wheatley's work was mainly influenced by the religion. Rawley shows evidence for this claim by bringing up the person Wheatley held the tightest bond with was Suzanne Whitley, with Rawley describing her as "This remarkable woman was active in religious, humanitarian enterprises, and conducted a wide correspondence with philanthropic persons in England” (668). The relationship between the two women provided the main reason why Wheatley’s work became known to the public. “It was Susanna who planned for the publication of the Poems, and in England enabled the poet to meet distinguished personages, and ultimately secured the slave's freedom.”
The poetry of Phillis Wheatley is crafted in such a manner that she is able to create a specific aim for each poem, and achieve that aim by manipulating her position as the speaker. As a slave, she was cautious to cross any lines with her proclamations, but was able to get her point across by humbling her own position. In religious or elegiac matters, however, she seemed to consider herself to be an authority. Two of her poems, the panegyric “To MAECENAS” and the elegy “On the Death of a young Lady of Five Years of Age,” display Wheatley’s general consistency in form, but also her intelligence, versatility, and ability to adapt her position in order to achieve her goals.
Phyllis Wheatley's poem On Being Brought to America is an intimate and personal experience on being brought to America from her homeland of West Africa. The theory in which this paper focuses on is the pros and cons of Phillis Wheatley actually being brought to America, her pagan land, and in addition, the hardships that she faced being a female author in her time and age. From a feminist
...n American Literature. By Henry Louis. Gates and Nellie Y. McKay. 2nd ed. New York: W.W. Norton &, 2004. 387-452. Print.
In “On Being Brought From Africa To America” Phillis Wheatley speaks directly from her experience of coming to America, and how she became very religious on her arrival, so she uses her religious beliefs to explain how lucky she was to be in America and how she made a lot of achievements. Phillis Wheatley was a young black female poet, who started discovering her love for writing when she came to America, although it was illegal to educate black people she found a way to teach herself to read and write, even though a lot of people of her race were told that they weren’t good enough to deserve to be Christians and also to enjoy the advantage of being a citizen in America, Wheatley overcame these immense obstacles and she was so grateful for the chance to be a part of the Christian word and also to hear the word of Christianity, she was also very happy that she was brought to America where she has the opportunity to read and write. “Phillis” wasn’t her real name but her master named her that because the slave ship she boarded to come to America was named Phillis.
Americans through the years of existence have adapted well to the radical changes throughout the world. Technology, independence and social equality are some of the diverse concepts the United States have adapted to and developed in order to become a more unified country. Our nation believes that it is exceptional when it comes to other countries worldwide. As can be shown through the popular reference to America as the ‘shining city on a hill’. The term “American exceptionalism” is derived from ideals held by many Americans throughout history. Different people have analyzed American exceptionalism through multiple literary devices. Works such as A Model of Christian Charity, What is an American and Acres of Diamonds illustrate the sentiment that America is incomparable to any other country through different approaches. On the contrary, Democracy in America and How the Other Half Lives are two documents that argue against this theory through harsh yet meaningful remarks.
Defining the American character is quite difficult because American identity is vaguely founded on shared values and ideologies, more so than a particular creed, race, or culture. In order to describe the American character, we will consider the dominate and distinctive qualities of Americans as interpreted by J. Hector St. Jon De Crèvecoeur and Thomas Paine. First, we will examine how Crèvecoeur illustrates Americans as industrious, prideful, and political in “Letters from an American Farmer.” Then, we will analyze from Thomas Paine's “Common Sense” how he depicts the prevalent qualities of Americans to be driven by justice, liberty, emotions, and individualism. Also, because both authors consider the American character and culture different
In 1753, Phillis Wheatley was born in West Africa, Gambia. At age eight, she was abducted and taken to Boston, Massachusetts on a slave ship, and was purchased by John Wheatly, who took her as his wife’s servant (Carretta 1). She thus adopted her master's last name “Wheatley” as was the custom. The Whitley’s educated her, and she mastered Greek, English, and Latin (Carretta 40). Later, she learned to write highly commended poetry. She possessed some intelligence and had a talent which accredited her privileges atypical of other ordinary slaves. She reveled a great interest in the Bible not only for spiritual literacy but also in anticipation that justice might prevail (Carretta 51).
Phillis Wheatley, a slave from Gambia, was the first Black poet in America to publish numerous books and poems during the mid to late 1700s. She was not treated as badly as other slaves brought from Africa since her owners, the Wheatleys, brought education into her world, (Andrew Spacey, Owlcation.com). Writings from the Latin, Greek and the Bible helped her learn to read and write, as her popular poems were influenced by famous poets, such as John Milton, Thomas Gray and Alexander Pope, (Jennifer Benka, Poets.Org). After releasing various poems, being acknowledged by George Washington and receiving praise throughout the Colonies and England, her poem “On Being Brought from Africa to America” elicited mixed emotions about slavery. Slavery,