Persuasive Essay On Zoos

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Zoos are all over the world, however, when looked at closely their corrupted system is very cruel. Zoos have endangered countless animals when capturing, keeping the animals in a small cage and never letting them leave that specific area and last but not least abusing them.Governments should outright ban these dreadful prisons and help animals be free.Before talking about zoos and what they do let's look at the very first step: capturing. `Zoos use many methods of capturing although the main method is through tranquilizers.Tranquilizer darts tend to be excruciatingly painful, along with giving of side effects such as Russia, rashes, dizziness and the most unfavorable outcome death! Their second strategy is to use a net and a wooden club they first make the animal run into an area where it is unable to escape then one of the captures would use a net gun to keep it in one

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