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All about the book thief
Critical Analysis Of The Book Thief
The book thief point of view
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We now live in a generation where parents excessively “bubble-wrap” their children. Bubble wrapping is the figurative term used to illustrate how parents want to keep their children safe and out of harm’s way at all times. Society often wonders, what the problem is with this, with all of the conflict, terrorism and wars happening in the world surrounding them, how could keeping a child safe have negative consequences? The truth is, that not letting children out into the world and keeping them from the current news and events no matter how devastating, decreases their capability of understanding their environment around them and, of further adapting to it in the future. In The Book Thief, after Liesel was transported by her mother to a foster home because of their …show more content…
She thought of her mother an repeated Rosa Hubermanns questions. Where was she? What had they done to her? And once and for all, who, in the actual fact, were they?” (qtd. Zuzak pg.96 ). In this quote, it shows how Liesel is being left in the dark about the events happening in Nazi Germany and the activities their government is doing without the public’s knowledge such as mass murders and imprisonment of specific cultural groups and the possible effects these events could have on Liesel’s biological mother. It has been proven that children that are acknowledged as risk-takers and know more about the world around them are more likely to be stronger as well as more competent, therefore they can be a better contributor to society as an individual. If Liesel was more aware of the situation of the war happening around her, and of the consequences it could have on her mother (such as poverty or the lack of food), she would most likely be less curious about her biological mother’s situation and would be able to focus on more important and current situations such as her amelioration in reading and writing in school which would help her not only in school but in her everyday life as
Markus Zusak, author of The Book Thief (2005), and Steven Spielberg, director of Schindler’s List (1993), both use their works to portray the theme of racism in Nazi-era Germany. Racism today affects millions of people daily, with 4.6 million people being racial discrimination in Australia alone. However, in Nazi-era Germany, Jewish people were discrimination because they weren’t part of the ‘master race’, causing millions to suffer and be killed. To explore this theme, the setting, characters, conflicts and symbols in both The Book Thief and Schindler’s List will be analysed and compared.
Not that it was a living hell. It wasn't. But it sure wasn't heaven, either”. (5.87) Death tells us. She became really fond of Hans Hubermann; a painter and accordion player, but with Rosa things were more complicated; she was a rough woman who did the washing and ironing of Molching’s wealthy inhabitants. Liesel starts to have dreams of her brother dying and wets in bed which leads us to her first reading session; Papa finds the book hidden under Liesel’s mattress and after a while he notices that Liesel does not know how to read and doing his best with a fourth grade education he teaches her how to read and write. She also makes a friend that she would never forget Rudy Steiner or we can call it Jesse Owens too; they met on the street during a soccer game and since then they became
Liesel experiences abandonment throughout her life, and the novel during a suppressed time in World War II Germany. Through her experiences Liesel’s learns to equate abandonment with love knowing that circumstance have forced her loved ones to leave her.
Suffered the loss of her brother werner, while attending his funeral “there was something black and rectangular lodged in the snow. Only [liesel] saw it. She bent down and picked it up and held it firmly in her fingers. The book had silver writing on it” (zusak 24). It was a book named “the grave digger 's handbook”. This proves that without even understanding the book Liesel was already looking for ways to learn and find a passion to mourn her brothers death. Next, is the relationship Liesel has with her papa, Hans. He shows Liesel how to read and write. Liesel, who doesn 't know how, grabs books that Hans then quietly shows her to translate. He does this through their night time nightmare hours “Unofficially, it was called the midnight class, even though it commenced at around two in the morning” (70). furthermore in the storm cellar, utilizing Hans ' paints to show her how to compose. He is staggeringly understanding, as this is an extremely troublesome and moderate procedure, and he never demonstrates restlessness or dissatisfaction with Liesel 's moderate advancement, thus proving that liesel stuck with her idea and followed through with her passion. Lastly, Liesel 's passion for reading and writing progressed when Ilsa gave her the a journal to write her story in, “[she] thought if [Liesel was not] going to read anymore of [her] books, [she] might like to write one instead.”
On June 22nd, 1994, one of the most high-profile crimes to hit the media will occur at the home of one of the most adored football players in American history. O.J. Simpson was at one time considered to play the lead role of The Terminator, but producers thought the public wouldn 't be convinced that he could be a robot on a murder spree on film. O.J. was that likable that no one could believe he could be a killer, and people today still don 't believe it.
Liesel’s mom leaves her with foster parents because she wishes to protect her from the fate she is enduring. The words Paula, Liesel’s mom, uses go against Hitler because she is a communist which resulted in her being taken away and Liesel to lose her mother and experience the loss of her. This shows Liesel experiences unhappiness because of her mother’s disappearance which is caused by the words she openly uses that contradicts Hitler.
Liesel and her family were paying an old friend of Hans but also doing something that they knew they could be taken away for. “We can’t leave him here, the smell will kill us…and we can’t carry him out the door and drag him up the street either” (Zusak 329). Max, the Jew had become sick and they were not sure if he was going to make it. Trying to figure out a way to take out a Jewish corpse had become impossible to do without getting caught. “Does he know? Liesel thought. Can he smell we’re hiding a Jew” (Zusak 343)? Having Nazi soldiers come into their home was nerve racking because they had to hide Max but they had less than a minute. They were so worried that they might get caught because they could have been taken away from their house and their family. Hiding a Jew could scare anybody if they were not allowed to.
The bombing of Pearl Harbor drew the United States into the war, without the support of the United States, Great Britain could not of sustained a war against the Third Reich. If Britain did not hang on, then the Allies could not of carpet bombed Germany. So if the Allies could not of bombed Germany , then the course and outcome of Leisel’s life would have been quite different. First, she would never of read to her neighbors in the bomb shelter, because there would have been no need for a shelter in the first place. “For at least twenty minutes, she handed out the story. The youngest kids were soothed by her voice….”(381) Second, Himmel Street would not of been bombed, thus, her adopted parents would've still been alive. “First up, the Allies feigned a raid on Munich in order to strike at Stuttgart. But next, ten planes had remained. Oh, there were warnings, all right. In Molching, they came with the bombs. ” (530) The Japanese decision to bomb Pearl Harbor was a key historical event that changed the course of Liesel's
I would explain the “invisible knapsack” to a friend as, an invisible bag full of guaranteed privileges. The privileges that mainly only white people get to access at any time such as jobs, classes, credit, housing, the ability to walk into to the store and not be followed around because they think you are going to steal the clothes, the ability to walk into a restaurant and be served in a efficient manner and not poorly because they think you are not going to tip them. You are able to pull any privilege out of your invisible knapsack to use at anytime. However, this invisible knapsack is mainly for the whites and males to use more freely than others in my personal opinion. Do not get me wrong everyone has an “invisible knapsack”. I as a single half black mother I have recently been awarded some privileges that married mothers are not able to access such as the pell grant, calfresh, calworks and four C’s. In the past I was not awarded many privileges because I was married and we made too much money; but in reality we were living paycheck to paycheck and could really use some help with food and child care expenses. If I had to explain to friends and family why it is important to examine your own invisible knapsack.
Many people, such as Liesel, conform to societal expectations in public while keeping their rebellion in private most of the time. They do this to survive in a culture that persecutes anybody that they disagree with or disagrees with them. For example, “‘I hate the Führer,’ she said. ‘I hate him.’… ‘Don’t ever say that!’… ‘You can say that in our house,’ he said, looking gravely at Liesel’s cheek. ‘But you never say it on the street, at school, at the BDM, never!’’ (p. 115-116) This was when Liesel found out that the Nazis took away her mother for being a communist and was naturally upset. Her foster father, Hans Hubermann, slapped her for saying that, at
Some parents put their children up on a pedestal, and treat them as if they are the most prized creatures on the Earth. Parents think that they raise their children right, but Gottlieb makes a valid point when she states, “As a parent, I wanted to do things right. But what does ‘right’ mean?” I like how Gottlieb uses the story of the child tripping over a rock. When the kid falls, some parents would come to the rescue, and cuddle the child before they even start to cry. Even though they mean well, I feel like these parents are not even thinking of how a scenario as simple as this can affect their children later in life. This example reflects that even the overprotective and “good” parents end up having children that are lost and unhappy because they did not show any discipline and organization. Dan Kindlon, a children’s psychologist that Gottlieb mentioned, explained, “There’s a difference between being loved and being constantly monitored.” This made me think of a friend whom goes to West Georgia who I will call Ella. She grew up with the constant surveillance of her
After months of waiting and eagerly anticipating a video game or program you have been following ever since it was announced, it is finally released for all to enjoy! But, to your dismay, you do not have the sufficient funds to obtain the highly-anticipated program. While you are upset and missing out, you wait a while and look for other people’s opinions on the freshly released product; you search for a little bit and to your surprise, you see mostly negative thoughts about it! Disappointed but still willing to try the game yourself, you think to obtain a copy illegally to try it out for yourself. Should you go with that thought and find an illegal copy impulsively? No, as companies usually share a trial or demo version of their product for consumers to try. But what if they do not? You still should not pirate the product, instead try to find a legal way to try it; maybe try to borrow a copy from a friend so you can form your own opinion about it. What if you cannot do that either? You still avoid pirating any type of recent software and wait until you have the funds to purchase it. Piracy is not tolerated by the law
Over the last ten years people in the United State and around the world have heavily relied more on their debit or credit cards to process transactions of their purchases. In the old days it used to be when you would get your paycheck on Friday and rush to the bank during your break or lunch in order to cash withdraw your funds or deposit them into your account. It used to be where you carry cash to buy groceries, pay bills, and go shopping. Now some people don’t even set foot inside their bank branch because they are paid using direct deposit or the funds are loaded into a debit card provided by their employer. Many employers from around the globe don’t even issue paper check anymore. Bills are often times paid online, babysitters are accepting electronic payment such as PayPal and even food trucks now take electronic payments. According to a Washington Post column by Michelle Singletary society and businesses embrace using cashless ways to pay for things than the old time traditional “cold hard cash”. In my opinion there should still be cash circulating out in the world. My first ...
I should receive a passing grade in this class because I can write now. Not just an exaggeration, but after another semester of English I finally feel confident that can write. Three of the reasons behind my confidence is I learned, I experienced and best of all I repeated. These three values helped prepare me for what is in store in English 1302 and here is why.
Cheating is unacceptable no matter what type of situation it is. After reading about the Atlanta Public School scandal, and finding out the consequences that were given to the teachers, I totally agree that the behavior for the teachers were not justifiable. If you break the law, then you’re going to be punished and there’s no other way around it. I do believe that the long jail sentence given to the convicted teachers were a bit insane, but the teachers know all consequences of every law they break before agreeing to teach. In my opinion, the punishments don’t fit the crime because we have criminals and drug dealers on the street free but teachers in jail because they changed answers on an elementary school test. The justice system doesn’t always make sense sometimes, but at the end of the day, we all know the consequences if we commit the crime.