Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

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A few weeks ago I got the opportunity to do a research paper on texting and driving. I never would have known that texting and driving would have been so dangerous if I would never have gotten a chance to do a research paper over it. Most of the people in my family like to text and drive but they use talk to text so they still use the steering wheels with one hand. Why is texting and driving so important?

Texting and driving is more popular than most people think it is. People always have their phone’s from when they walk out of the house to the car. The author states, “ A soon as some people exit their home, they have a cell phone in their ear “ (Dowe). People should stay off the road until they are off the phone. They don’t need to put others at risk they could also use the earbuds so they have both hands on the steering wheel. People are always on their phones. “ I assume that a phone call …show more content…

Car accidents can be really scary. “As the car finally comes to a stop. The two girls in the front seat - both of whom were wearing seat belts - exchange terrified glances.” Car accidents can hurt someone really badly to the point when one person has to be rushed to the hospital. There needs to be more safety for texting and driving. “As the popularity of texting - and the prevalence of texting while driving - has risen, local authorities and safety advocacy organizations. There needs to be more restrictions on texting while driving. More us cities need to ban texting and driving. “Us cities to ban texting and driving although people are still going to text and drive.” More and more cities need to ban texting while driving or it’s going to be more and more. Therefore, more cities are and need to ban texting and driving before something really serious happens. Most people don’t even know that if they hurt someone and kill them they can go to jail for a

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