Persuasive Essay On Space Exploration

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Space exploration holds the key to new frontiers by unlocking the doorways to the expansion of human life to other planets and discovering new elements, particles, and life that may exist as well. Space exploration can further our understanding of the universe and the world that we live in. Continuing the global efforts of space exploration is imperative to the survival of the human race because due to the exponential growth of our population we will be in need of another planet that can sustain human life. Also, space exploration can be used to obtain more natural resources from other planets, asteroids, and moons. Another benefit to space exploration is the advancement in our technology is understanding of the universe. NASA has led to countless …show more content…

The space race exploded back during the cold war between the USA and Soviet Russia, in which they competed to see who would get to the moon first. Since then we have furthered our exploration. However, Space exploration has been a very controversial topic. Many believe that the funding that goes toward NASA should be spent on some more relevant issues, such as, healthcare and poverty. Most recently, NASA had retired all of their old spaceships in order to help fund the construction of new ones, which will be better suited for longer trips into deep space. Also, in the last five years, there has been a surge in private companies who have begun building their own rockets, so they can go to space and also some companies, like virgin galactic, are trying to commercialize space travel by offering rides to space to customers. The future of space exploration holds many possibilities. For example, the idea of landing a man on mars is a very prominent goal to many people and also SpaceX has stated that, “We will put a human on mars by 2026” (Anthony, 2014) This mission is the start of the future of space exploration and will be the key factor in predicting what will happen with longer missions and if it is possible for us to live on another …show more content…

The current global population is over 7.3 billion people and continuously growing and many believe that the current carrying capacity of earth is around 10 billion people and we are expected to reach that mark by 2062 ( Also, with a growing population we will be in need of more resources to support them and since earth has a dwindling supply of resources we must find new reserves of these resources that exist on other planets and on asteroids. Also, due to concerns with overpopulation we must continue our efforts to find other planets that can support life, so we are not restricting our growth by limiting ourselves to one

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