Persuasive Essay On Plastic Bags

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There is a current discussion as to whether or not plastic bags in grocery stores should require a fee. This is mostly brought up because of the amount of plastic waste that humans are creating each year is quickly lowering the health of our planet. Between plastic bottles, bags, and various other products, the amount of waste is drastically increasing and humans seem to fail at recycling as well as they should. This leads people to discuss things like bag taxes to try and promote more people to participate in a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Althought there are positive and negative contributions to every argument, this argument is, for the most part, unreasonable. It is more harmful to our society to add a $0.25 bag tax on plastic bags than it is beneficial. Adding a bag tax is not only inconvient for store employees, it is an excessive amount to tax and many low income families will not be able to afford it.

There are many families across the state that struggle to purchase enough groceries for their family that this …show more content…

Even if the bag tax is put into place, the laziness of the American citizens will lead them to use plastic bags despite the new tax. People do not boycott fruit that is out of season simply because it costs more, so why would they waste their time buying and bringing reusable bags when plastic bags are more convient. Americans are all about things being easy and convient and paying taxes has not really phased them before, so this bag tax will not only take more money out of the American person's pocket, but be a waste of time and effort. This could possibly be resolved if the reusable bags were readily available for purchase at the check out line, but more than likely, individuals will forget to bring them and obligate to purchase plastic bags even at the absurd pricne of

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