Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Mexican drug cartels could potentially be demolished. Marijuana accounts for as much as half of the Mexican drug cartel (Liebert, 31). Legalizing marijuana would ruin their entire business and they would cripple away. Doing so would free up boarder control and help law enforcement focus on more of the harder drugs like meth and cocaine (Liebert, 31). Marijuana has its benefits for the society along with its non-benefits. Moreover, even with law enforcement focusing on the harder drugs, the users inducing marijuana are more likely to join the search of law enforcement. If we keep it illegal, this will allow less users to get their hands on it, and decrease the odds of harder drugs being a problem. Overall street violence would drop significantly. With marijuana being illegal, it often forces people to resolve disputes by themselves, often with violence (Liebert, 40). If legalized, buyers and sellers could resolve in court like everyone else (Liebert, 40). State government would have more money. If marijuana was legal, the government could tax the hell out of it just like alcohol and tobacco (Liebert, 40). California is estimated to rake over one billion dollars this year, taxpayers are spending fourteen billion each year on the war against marijuana (Liebert, 40). Accidents and emergency room …show more content…

The most widely used drugs in society are legal ones. Alcohol is perhaps the most common, with cigarettes being a close second, marijuana being the third most widely used recreational drug (Schmidt, 1503). The legalization of cannabis will lead to a rise in its use and consumption because it is more accessible. If marijuana were legalized, the government would be the only one benefitting from the legalization of it. All of the extra revenue they would be bringing in would be unreal. The government has enough power as it is, we do not need to give them

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