There are so many creative ways Anchorage seniors can celebrate Independence Day including parades and fireworks. While both activities are traditional ways to celebrate America's birthday, there are other unique things seniors can do celebrate the Fourth of July. The following variety of happenings are wonderful ways all types of seniors can celebrate this patriotic holiday: Watch a Ball Game There isn't a sport more American than baseball. On July 4, the annual Alaska Baseball League doubleheader will take place at the Mulcahy Stadium at 207 East Northern Lights Boulevard starting at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. Teams playing will be the Anchorage Bucs and the Anchorage Glacier Pilots. After the end of the second game, seniors will have the treat of watching a spectacular fireworks show that will be the perfect end to their Independence Day celebration. Lunch on the Lawn …show more content…
The Anchorage Museum on 625 C.
Street will be hosting a free outdoor social on July 4 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Seniors can pack a basket of Fourth of July holiday-themed treats and head over to the museum for a picnic on the lawn and feel-good live music they can enjoy with their friends and community. During this social, seniors will also be able to enjoy their outdoor science lab where they could watch a turtle stroll on the grass or look through a special purpose telescope. Activities vary weekly. Local food trucks will also be selling food. Take a Historic Tour The Oscar Anderson House Museum at 420 M. Street will be offering guided tours on July 4 from noon to 4:30 p.m. On Independence Day, what better way for seniors to celebrate than getting a local history lesson about what life was like in early Anchorage. Each tour is 45-minutes and will transport seniors back in time as they learn interesting facts from their knowledgeable guide as they walk through this home built in 1915. Tours are available on a walk-in basis except for Fridays. July Fourth
Celebration Delaney Park Strip in Anchorage will be hosting this annual Independence Day celebration on July 4. Seniors can begin celebrating America's birthday enjoying a mouth-watering pancake breakfast at 8 a.m. At 11 a.m., they can watch an exciting parade that features patriotic floats and people wearing period costumes. Seniors will be full of pride as they watch the University of Washington's marching band perform at 12:30 p.m. followed by a touching reading of the Declaration of Independence at 1 p.m. There will be a fun festival for seniors to enjoy from noon to 6 p.m. featuring vendors, tasty food, uplifting music, and games. The grand finale of the day will be a spectacular fireworks show that'll beautifully color Anchorage's night sky. Bird Walk This free guided nature adventure at Potter Marsh at 3099 East 154th Avenue will take place on July 4 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. For seniors who want a low-key way to celebrate Independence Day, this stroll would be ideal. On this walk, seniors will enjoy an evening learning about local wildlife with a group of other nature lovers. They can show their patriotism by arriving to meet their guide at the boardwalk entrance at Potter Marsh wearing their favorite red, white and blue casual clothing. They will also have available spotting scopes, guide books and binoculars for seniors to borrow. This event is wheelchair accessible.
“The day that we come together as a nation to celebrate what’s great about Australia and about being Australian.” That is the phrase used by the Australia Day National website to describe the traditional day that we all love to claim as our own. Correction, traditional may have been the wrong use of word seeing as though the day has only been celebrated by ALL states as a public holiday since 1994. To call it a tradition would be unwise, it’s more of a newly developed phenomenon that allows us to develop a dangerous sense of patriotism. It is through this developing sense of patriotism that, some would argue, our modern culture of exclusion and superiority is being predominant. A ‘white fella’ superiority that is driving us to celebrate the
Taste of Chicago festival is probably of Chicago’s great cultural events it is often imitated but never duplicated this event have tremendous assortment of culinary delights also located in Grant Park the ten-day lakefront festival runs June 25 – July 4th food choices range from ethnic to exotic to Chicago specialties. Millions of people local and nationwide attend this event. Enjoy 319 acres of food from fried alligator tails to fried zucchini during the day grab some food be sure to bring a blanket cause as the sun sets relax enjoy a free concerts that fit your musical genre even fireworks. Let your nose be your guide. Other attractions on the lakefront includes the Art Institute it has one of the largest most extensive collections of impressionist and post-impressionist painting in the world, Adler Planetarium, Museum of Natural history, Navy Pier is home to the 15-story Ferris it was model after the 1893, Ferris wh...
Hot Dogs, Apple Pie, and Baseball are American icons of summer. Baseball is also known as America’s favorite pastime. Many kids start playing baseball in the streets, school-yard, or on formed T-Ball and Little Leagues as young as 3 or 4 years old and will play well into adulthood. Satchel Paige was the oldest Major League Baseball (MLB) player. He retired at the age of 59 (Satchel, n.d.).
As patriotic Australians we pride ourselves to be a nation that accepts and respects the beliefs of all cultures, but on this historical day majority of Australians tend to forget the true meaning behind the celebration. If you ask today’s society, what they did this Australia day mass numbers would respond with “binged on alcohol” and “indulged in a barbecue.” Consequently, this day cannot be called a national celebration when some of our fellow Australians are grieving while others are out celebrating an occasion they know little about. Giving due regard to the indigenous people and their mostly negative perspective on this issue, should be a priority. A new date, not the 26th of January should be established, as rather than unite, it seems
Thanksgiving Day is a day of family, food, and giving thanks for the blessings in life and yet some people believe Thanksgiving to be a prep day for Black Friday, the biggest shopping day of the year. The focus of Thanksgiving shifted from family bonding to incessant shopping. This trend of taking away from the hours of Thanksgiving in order to shop is enraging. It steals away from family time for the shoppers and the employees. Employers threaten workers that if they do not work on that certain holiday, they will be fired. Black Friday should be kept to Friday instead of moving in on my family time. The whole culture of Black Friday has become repugnant and unnecessary.
When in the course of the household we, the teens, have always had the responsibility of doing the chores around the house.When oneself has to do chores one has to miss out on hanging out with friends, going to the mall, et cetera. Of course we do not wish to be disrespectful toward our parents but it is now time that we write our own Declaration of Independence. It is important that our parents or guardians know how everyone feels about the chores that have been placed on us and why we should be independent.
Every July 4, Americans celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence, but do we really understand why it was written in the first place? The Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson and adopted by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776 is by far one of the most important historical documents for the United States of America (Stockdale, 2016). In Jefferson 's words, the Declaration was written, "In order to place before mankind the common sense of the matter in terms as plain and simple as to command their assent." The authors of this document addressed the philosophy of natural rights, compiled a lengthy list of grievances towards the King, and let England know that the American Colonists were about to declare themselves an independent nation. They wanted their intentions to be very clear for King George III.
The Declaration of Independence is the voice of the people who lived in the 13 Colonies that wanted to leave the British Crown. The Founding Fathers sat together and created this document that stated the Rights and the Liberties of the people and what was wrong in the Colonies. The Declaration of Independence spoke to King George III and said that the Colonies wanted Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness and that as "Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, Conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce and to do all other Acts..."
A travel of over 3000 miles for some, a 210 mile drive for me, just to arrive at the biggest gathering of over 1,500 twelve year olds; all just to play baseball. The only place that would be suitable for such an event is Cooperstown Dream Parks, every baseball players heaven. Cars have come to Cooperstown from everywhere for this week long tournament. I met children my age from all over the United states. I became friends with kids from Ohio, Illinois, California, I even met a player from Puerto Rico who barely spoke any english. The windows of everyone 's car decorated with the names and numbers of teams and players. Excited baseball teams spill from their Barracks and hustle toward the already crowded seating area. Festive music played over
Freedom is having the right to own, act, think, and speak without any restrictions from the outside. Ever since the New World was discovered, people have been fighting for their independence till this day. People of other colors and race have been forced to do labor without their consent. Today, those same people have been blamed or accused of crimes that were not committed by them despite of being free. Freedom has different meanings and those meanings change overtime; however sometimes the significance of freedom does not change.
Let us remember we are all part of one American family, where true equality means holding everyone accountable in the same way, regardless of race, gender, faith, ethnicity or political ideology. Thomas Jefferson and the founding fathers created three important historical documents. These historical documents were: The Declaration of independence, the Bill of Rights, and the Preamble were made to preserve and provide a long lasting union. No doubt, that due to this we have a strong union.
The United States of America, as a new nation had to prove that it’s young, and relatively inexperienced country had the ability to peaceably govern. There wasn’t anyone who believed in us, except ourselves much like Alexandra Owens in Flashdance, all we had was a dream of being the best nation we could be, and we knew in our heart of hearts that even though we didn’t have the experience or the formal education, we could work hard and become better than all the rest. The Declaration of Independence is essentially our open break up letter with England making clear that it is over, and we don’t want to go to the dance with them, and we’re playing by our own rules now. If the declaration is the break-up letter, The Constitution would be like
There have been birthday parties here for ages ranging 1-80! Just wait it gets better. How might you ask? Not only does Roller city host birthday parties they also hold benefits, Christmas parties, Halloween parties, and any other party that you might have in mind. So the next time you, your kids, parents, or friends want a party, Roller City will make it happen. But wait, not only are their parties fun but they are also cost efficient.
Everyone has the right to vote, or not to vote in the years we live today. People decide whether they wish to participate in the nation’s future or just walk aimlessly and allow it to take its own path. Over decades, centuries, our country continued growing but just recently did it allow all to vote as long as they call this nation home. Run-on Sentence: Over decades, centuries, our country continued growing, but just recently did it allow all to vote as long as they call this nation home. However, large amounts of people still do not vote in any politics. Today everyone should understand what differences a vote could make like what can happen, why it matters, and benefits of voting.
Every year around May, my friends from middle school and I have attended the Bellevue Picnic. This started in 5th grade, because we had to go for band and play a couple of songs, and after we were done we would go hang out at the park until 10pm. The Bellevue Picnic is right across the street from Bellevue Middle, at the Red Caboose Park. It gets packed very quickly. I parked at my middle school for the 2016 picnic because there were no other spots at the church across the street. They have games and little stands for people, mainly kids, to go to. The park entrance has a bunch of food trucks, like Papa Johns, Mexican food, fair food, etc. You can also get free lemonade and a cup by going across the street to the church. My friends and I usually hang out in the park or we walk around the area. Also at night, depending on weather, they will have fireworks.