Persuasive Essay On Human Rights

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Human Rights are rights that everybody should have. Unfortunately this not always possible. For example one violation of Human Rights is the death penalty because there is the right to life, when someone is killed they’re not being given this right Human Rights started a long time ago, although in each country these were different. A massive start to Human Rights was in 539 BC when Cyrus the Great conquered Babylon. He gave everyone the right to religion & he also stopped slavery, this was documented on the Cyrus Cylinder. This was huge for Human Rights and other countries like Greece and India soon caught onto this idea and started giving rights to their people. Since then Human Rights evolved to create the Universal Declaration of …show more content…

If you stop buying from them you can do even better by sending the company an email telling that your not buying from them and why, then they would know why they aren’t being bought from. Another solution is using social media to get the message across lots of people will read it, then they might struggle to ignore it as much. Another solution that could be counted as more helpful is helping to stop poverty and give poor people an education. If you’re able to educate the families they will be able to get their own job, stopping them needing to put their children into child labour because they will have enough money. One of the best ways to stop poverty are giving to funds like World Vision they give poor people things like chickens, goats and school supplies which help to turn some of the families’ lives around. World Vision at the money you give to world visions goes towards helping children and communities grow food and have school supplies educating these children will help them get a job and stop their children going into child

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