Persuasive Essay On Guns In America

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Everybody in America knows that guns can be a major problem. Especially when these tools are being used on other people. You must be very cautious when you own a gun, cautious as a mouse trying to steal cheese of a trap. Saddly, a lot of people think that guns shouldn’t be used as much as they are now. A handful of people say that if they screw up with using a firearm they should be placed in jail with a box of crayons and paper to draw on. That’s it. Now different cultures have different point of views of this topic. Although, to have a gun is a right that most people will fight to keep, so most people will lose that debate. Unless they have there own Saturday night special than you will probably lose. Plentiful of people also have an opinion on that they don’t think that the gun is the problem it’s the person. Most people will fight for the right to bare arms. It is a right that is on one of the most important documents in American documents. It’s on the bill of rights! The Second Amendment of the United States …show more content…

Now this quite normal, but this equipment has the potential of being a serious problem. Of course there is a difference in Milwaukee, which is rated at #7 in most dangerous cities in the US, and Hartland Wisconsin where there is no crime. This clearly shows us that people in Milwaukee are having some serious issues with crime which leads you to think that they don’t deserve to own guns. Though gang members in Milwaukee would say that it’s simply normal to hear a gun shot at 12am and they think nothing of it. Lets bring it to hunters they would say that guns are what provide food on the table and it hasn’t been a problem where we live and hunt. Though, people from Sandy Hook would say that guns are a problem and that they should be removed from the public. Where you live is certainly a major influence on whether or not it is a safe environment, so be careful where you

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