Persuasive Essay On Genetic Engineering

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All living things are made of DNA; DNA is contained within strands called genes. The genes within any organism are what decides what the organism will look like, act like, and how it lives. Naturally, through breeding, the genes are confined within a species or a pair of like species. There is a way to break the confines of a species and add or remove genes from an organism. The implications of this technology are astronomical. The Human race could gain so much from just a little more research. Genetic engineering should be practiced, funded, and perfected because the potential benefits are well worth the risks associated with it.
The technology for altering the genes of an organism has been around for decades. Now there are many questions about this technology. People question the ethics of changing an organism to suit the needs of man, risking the safety of the environment, and what the actual cost of this is. Seth Borenstein said, “You can’t breed a cow with a starfish.” and after the cloning of Dolly the sheep it is pretty obvious that if it was possible to breed a cow and a starfish humans would do it. In a sense that’s all that happens with genetic engineering. The things this technology can do and what it will be able to do are incredible. Mankind is advanced enough that the impact from an individual can alter the entire planet, permanently. Ignorance about genetic manipulation could prove to be a fatal mistake.
The practice is called genetic engineering (G.E.) or genetic manipulation. The organisms with their genes altered are called genetically modified organisms (G.M.O.s) or transgenic organisms. Genetically modified organisms are created when the DNA from a natural organism is transplanted into another (Cha...

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...he better, but that’s why regulations need to be enforced to ensure that genetic engineering only opens doors that will help mankind progress and not destroy its self. Ignorance is not going to protect people or the environment, only progressive action can do that.
Genetic engineering has a bad stereotype that goes around with its name. It can do so much to help people. Automobiles are not outlawed because some people are dangerous drivers. Granted this is a little more complicated than driving a car, but the same principle applies. Millions of lives can be improved by the end of the 2010's, and an immeasurable amount more than that if the Earth can be better preserved for the future. Yes there are some risks, but the profits will be so much more rewarding. Genetic engineering needs to be practiced and supported in order for its benefits to reach everyone.

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