Persuasive Essay On Full Prescription

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A broken bone is easy to fix; a cast is made and use of the broken limb is limited. A headache is easily remedied with flushing of fluids, rest, and a few pain relievers. All of these situations are quick-fixes for healthcare providers. The true battle ground lies where most cannot see, and before most can feel symptoms. A tiny world exists in and outside of the human body. This world, or what scientist would call a “microbiome,” is one of the deadliest battle fields for workers in the hospital and healthcare fields. Thanks to the development of technology in the microbiology field, scientists are now able to view and identify the pathogens that invade the human body. Rest and fluids are not strong enough to diminish these invaders; the weapons …show more content…

For instance, many people take an antibiotic only until they feel better. This inconsistency with the doctor’s orders puts both the patient and those in contact with them in danger for antibiotic resistance. After the antibiotics are cut short of their full dosage, the remaining bacteria in a person will become resistant to that antibiotic and transfer its adaptations to its daughter copies genetically, or horizontally transfer to surrounding cells. Patients should take the full prescription as directed, and also not share their prescription. These actions will prevent the increase of antibiotic resistance. As for vaccines, they are most efficient when as many people possible are vaccinated. This leads to the virus having fewer hosts to transfer to. However, the Journal of Pediatric Healthcare reports that “adolescents, who comprise 14% of the population, are historically resistant to receiving healthcare. As a result, adolescents have low immunization rates and are becoming more susceptible to diseases that are preventable by vaccines” (Wilson). Because these teens are not getting vaccinated, they are placing themselves in susceptible situation. Not only are they endangering themselves, but they are also inhibiting the protection for the public as well. The more patients that actively receive required vaccinations from their doctors can help prevent the spread of viral

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