Persuasive Essay On Double Standards

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According to Merriam Webster dictionary, a double standard is a situation in which two people, groups, etc., are treated very differently from each other in a way that is unfair to one of them. For years and years there has always been an issue when it comes to double standards. Women have been given them since the beginning of time; whether it is in their relationships with the opposite sex, the household duties, or simply having an opinion. Double standards are still effective in today’s world. Nine times out of ten, a woman catches the rough end of the stick. Why are the double standards for a woman harsher than for a man? Why can there not be equal standards for both of the sexes? When it comes to women in relationships, the sexual …show more content…

However, an estimated 81 percent of men and 87 percent of women report feeling anxious about home upkeep, women still do the majority of the housework (Hp). Often one will hear a person say, “Oh it is a woman’s job to keep the inside of the house looking good while a man keeps the outside intact. When it comes to the household, it is more acceptable for men to live in dirty and dusty environments than for women (Stalk). Women are expected to find the time to clean, cook and generally take care of the house (Stalk). Which could possibly be overbearing from time to time, women will never be able to see their full potential because of man always trying to hold them back with such mediocre limitations on her workload around the …show more content…

Between the years, 1948 and 1998 the women’s rights movement was in full effect (NWHP). During this time, women had no voice and their opinions were not relevant to any. The men would decide without considering the women and whatever they chose was the final say so, women would just have to adhere to the changes. Since then we have evolved quite a bit and now women have their own identities and voices. It would not be right if society did not come up with something negative to say about the everyday hard working woman. Women are victims to double standards, but it is just another thing that a woman has to learn to tolerate if she wants to not only be heard but taken seriously by anyone as well. Whereas a man’s voice is usually a more respected win the people over prove herself in a since. While a woman has to not only give the correct information, but win the people over by way of proving herself in a since. Usually when a man is speaking, people are attentive and they rarely question the information being given to them because people put their trust in man. For some odd reason a woman would not get the same amount of respect. However, women can easily do the same thing that a man can if not even better than he can. Just because it is a woman speaking, they are going to question her knowledge of the information being given. When people usually speak about women

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