Persuasive Essay On Clean Energy

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Clean Energy: A real solution closer than ever. For years now it has been discussed whether or not climate change is real or if it is affecting planet earth in such a drastic way as it has been said. Many believe this is not a real threat while others are looking for ways to stop it. While looking for answers many questions have to arise in order to solve a problem of this magnitude and one of the first ones was “what could be possibly causing this?” and one of the main causes, if not the biggest one of them all is fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are considered non-renewable sources of energy and they take many resources to even prepare them for usage. So because fossil fuels are a major cause in climate change and are too expensive, the United States needs to dispose of them and replace them with clean, renewable energy sources that are available. The technology is there, the studies are being made and there are ways to make it happen, what is our government waiting for? It has been said time after time that at some point in a hopefully not so near future humanity is going to need to replace fossil fuels as the …show more content…

The Union of Concerned Scientists or “USC” from the website states that even though the cost to build a clean energy plant is higher, “once built they operate at very low cost and, for most technologies, the fuel is free. As a result, renewable energy prices are relatively stable over time.” This means it would basically be paid off in almost no time and that it may start producing more energy and money in a shorter period of time than fossil fuels do. Clean, renewable and cheaper energy sounds like the perfect solution to a problem doesn’t it? Then why is it taking so long for the transition to begin in a bigger

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