Persuasive Essay On Christianity In Public Schools

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Have you ever considered the topic of Christianity in public schools? Do have have an opinion on it? If you do, you may be interested in this essay. You will read about my opinion on Christianity in public schools and why I think students should express it more often, and how that could benefit public schools today. There are many point of views of this, some schools aren’t even allowed to say the pledge of allegiance in schools anymore because of the ‘Under God’ part. I believe it’s not okay to discriminate others religions but I will be giving my point of view on this topic although there are many. Most students find it uncomfortable or foolish to talk about Christianity in school. The law on this topic states that Christians are allowed to discuss Christianity freely in school and express it on their assignments as long as they are not deprecating others’ religions. According to “ nearly a third (31 percent) of all 6.9 billion people on Earth are Christians.” Many students follow in their parents footsteps when it comes to religions so I can infer that there are …show more content…

Public schools are allowed to have Christian or religious clubs after school. These clubs are allowed to take place at the school as long as the school already has non-curriculum clubs taking place. According to and there is a club starting in many schools around America called The Good News Club. This is a great idea and could really benefit students who are Christians and would like to be able to participate in something where they can go and practice their faith. This is also a good thing because students can bring their fellow peers to these clubs so that they can also check everything out and maybe they will begin to develop an interest in Christianity. To conclude, students could start religious clubs after school and they should because I don’t see why

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