Persuasive Essay On Child Beauty Pageants

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In September 2013, France banned all child beauty pageants across the country. Chantal Jouanno, a French politician states, “It is extremely destructive for a girl between the age of 6 and 12 to hear her mother say that what’s important for her is to be beautiful.¨ The controversial topic of child beauty pageants can trigger numerous amounts of emotions. These competitions rob children of their youth and take advantage of them through their parents, mental and physical health, and the expectations that these kids are being held to. Beauty pageants are exploiting for the following reasons: These parents are living through their children, the constant competing and trying to enhance themselves is developing mental and physical issues, and these children are being exposed to unrealistic expectations including body image and lifestyle. The parents of these fun sized Barbie …show more content…

It is the guardians who have supported this idea of plastic by, in a way, reconstructing their daughters. The most shocking part of all is just how involved these parents are getting, it’s almost as if they are trying to recreate themselves through the ignorance of their kids At first it is a hair appointment or two which then grows into something much larger. Now, these children can’t look into a mirror without pointing out how their skin is just a little too pale and teeth are only one shade too dull. Leading us right into our next point, the girls going through these pageants are constantly being exposed to the idea that they aren’t good enough. This ideology alone can send 10 year olds running towards eating disorders and expensive treatments starting a battle that they will suffer with for a lifetime. On mental side of the spectrum we see young beauty queens growing into teenagers who are in a world of confusion and disappointment. Also, tying into this is that fact that these pageants are most

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