Persuasive Essay On Child Beauty Pageants

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Child beauty pageants have become quite the topic of conversation over the years, with the constant debate on whether or not they are harmful to the youth. With heavy makeup, revealing clothing, and an overwhelming emphasis put upon one's appearance, there is one question that still remains about these competitions. Are they really worth it in the long run? Unfortunately, many child beauty pageants these days are demoralizing and unhealthy for our children. They create this mindset where the only true quality to get far in life will be how one looks. However, if rules and regulations are applied to these competitions so that they are more focused on the social and educational aspects, kids could actually benefit from them. Children will get to compete, while the …show more content…

However, many former beauty queens can vouch that being in the correct programs have taught them many valuable lessons. In an article by Sabrina Nooruddin, a former pageant competitor, she defends the competitions that she has competed in and hopes to bring light to the controversial activity. She argues, “The pageants that I participate in, coach other young women for are scholarship organizations that require women to be poised, elegant, talented, and well-spoken.” This just proves the potential these competitions can give children, yet some organizations are still not steering in the right direction. With the constant sexualization and dramatic changes in the youth that are exposed by beauty pageants, it creates this idea where being cute and flawless is the center of the competition. Now, what needs to happen is for these organizations to find a happy medium where our kids can still compete and perform in pageants, without the harsh extremes that come with

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