Persuasive Essay On Capital Punishment

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The death penalty is punishment for criminals who violate the life, liberty, or safety of others and show no sign of remorse or chance of redemption. The death penalty is justified and should be endorsed. It is just and needed because capital offense criminals are a danger to others, it is shown to deter crime, and it helps support victims and citizens. As John McAdam of Harvard said, “ is likely that executions deter murderers… if we execute murderers… we have only killed a bunch of murderers. If we fail to execute murderers… we have allowed the killing of a bunch of innocent people”. It is evident that criminals of capital crimes are a danger to all people. At, it was determined that the average person walks past 10.76 killers …show more content…

Radford university found that for 4,737 serial killers, there are 13,105 found victims. Not all of these killers were put to death, some were released and some escaped prison. The ones in jail for life will live in shelter, get three meals daily, and some even get television and books. “67.8% of criminals get arrested three years after being released,” says the Bureau of Justice. In the three years, they can cause pain to a plethora of people. Though not all of the 67.8% percent are killers, there are multiple killers who killed again. Some killers who escaped just to murder again include John Miller, John McRae, Jimmy Lee Gray, Corey Barton, Howard Allen, Dwaine Little, and more. The capital punishment is needed to protect the innocent. In argument against the penalty, people have said that innocent people have been executed before. This is true, however you cannot be charged for a capital offence unless the judge is sure, above a reasonable doubt, that the killer is guilty. Also, now with cameras everywhere and forensic evidence constantly improving, it can be more clear as to whether or not someone is guilty. …show more content…

John McAdams, as quoted earlier, predicted that the death penalty discourages crimes and there is proof that it does. The following statistics are from the FBI National Crime Report. In 1960, when the death penalty was abolished, crimes went up by 7%. In 2012, states with the capital punishment had 3.7 murders annually. In states without the death penalty, there were 4.7 murders annual. The death penalty is shown to prevent crime, and therefore is effective. The U.S is no utopia, but there is a way to make it safer with the capital punishment. There is, however, the fact that lethal injection costs more than housing a criminal for a lifetime, but this could be fixed by putting cyanide in the criminal’s final meal. Cyanide is cost effective, abundant, quick, and mostly painless. Some people also suggest using bullets, and while this is cost effective, it brings up the question of morality with how painful it is. If the penalty is used more, it could lower the crime rate and lower the cost of taxes going to criminals to keep them

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