Persuasive Essay On Burning The Flag

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“Oh, say! does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.” Yet the question longing to be answered, Are we truly free? Texas v. Johnson 1989, “We decline, therefore, to create for the flag an exception to the joust[1] of principles protected by the First Amendment. . . . [2]” Freedom is not only fought for but it is protected under the Bill of Rights, yet most importantly the freedom of speech,conscience, and the right to petition the government is in the First Amendment. In the first place, burning the flag is a simple action to prove a point, however don’t we have the right to a political protest. As stated in the article Texas v Johnson Majority Opinion Written by William J Brennan “We are fortified in today's conclusion by our conviction that forbidding criminal punishment for conduct such as Johnson's will not endanger the special role played by …show more content…

They are quite wrong. The flag signifies many things but ultimately the flag signifies freedom. We are protected under the First Amendment to express ourselves, and we should be able to use the flag to do it. From the source ( on how to dispose a flag it states, “1. The flag should be folded in its customary manner. 2. It is important that the fire be fairly large and of sufficient intensity to ensure complete burning of the flag. 3. Place the flag on the fire. 4. The individual(s) can come to attention, salute the flag, recite the Pledge of Allegiance and have a brief period of silent reflection. 5. After the flag is completely consumed, the fire should then be safely extinguished and the ashes buried. 6. Please make sure you are conforming to local/state fire codes or ordinances.” Burning the flag is a-ok when it’s being disposed but not when used in protest. That just does not make any sense at all. It is highly

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