Persuasive Essay On Assisted Suicide

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Do you feel ending a loved one’s life that is filled with pain, will make you as an individual and the loved one’s emotions at ease? Catholic religion has put a stop to allowing man to make a right of assisted suicide in certain states. People that agree with such circumstances to help a loved one be at ease is to protest in order to help the ruling of Assisted Suicide. Assisted suicide should be allowed within the entire united states because it would allow saving your loved one from terminal illnesses. History Issue The history of Assisted Suicide has came about every since the exposure of it, in the U.S.A around 1994. When the first states has been legalized to permit Assisted Suicide. As the first states has …show more content…

Stated by CNN Press “Any benefits from assisted suicide are simply not worth the real and significant risks of this dangerous public policy.” My Argument
Assisted Suicide will help benefit the one who is receiving the offer because their right to take their own life should and is there choice. Stated by Justin H. on Yahoo Answers “ I think a person has the right to end their own life with dignity. If someone is terminally ill with less than 6 month to live, they should be able to get a prescription for a lethal dose of something. They should not be forced to go through the end stages if they choose not to. “ As an individual you should be able to take your own life if the illness is a large amount of pain to bare. What is the counter argument
Religious wise catholics are choosing to stop this act of Assisted Suicide because they believe that their GOD is the only one who can take your life away even if the they shall go through pain. The United states of catholic bishops states that “To live in a manner worthy of our human dignity, and to spend our final days on this earth in peace and comfort, surrounded by loved ones—that is the hope of each of us” The bishop says that you should live till the time for your own life is to be taken away by

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