Persuasive Essay About The Problems Of Facebook

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No one can ignore the fact that Facebook is now one of the most popular social networking sites in the United States and especially for teens. As the statistic shows that 94% of the teens are using Facebook (1). Facebook is a social networking site where people can post whatever they want, whenever they want, and to whom they want. Which is somehow a good thing to have such an ability to do these stuffs; for example, people can make new friends, they can spread their ideas and thoughts which may be useful for others, they also can make business. However, it also can be a way for a lot of problems, like pornography, drugs trade, and scam; and unfortunately, teens are the biggest slice of the society who get in treble with these problems. Because
Problems cannot be solved if people do not know and do not see that there is a problem. Parents can see that their teens spend a lot of time on Facebook, and they also can see that their teens are effected from using Facebook for example, getting low grade, and becoming less direct socially, so parents should pay more attention to them. Facebook’s organizers put what parents should do to keep their children safe (6). Everyone should give help to show the importance of the parents’ intervention; for example, media, government, and schools. All of them have some responsibility to help parents fixing the problem. After that, parents know the risks that their teens may face; they should now take some actions to avid these risks. Parents first should review teens’ Facebook privacy settings, tag setting, posting setting, and friends list and their teens should be aware of it, then they should talk to them and try to let them understand how wasting a lot of time on Facebook will affect their future by getting low grate, and by creating a history that may not be acceptable and may be shameful in the future. Patents should be very careful, logical, and attuned because teens in this stage of their life they are very sensitive, and if parents were not careful, the results may be negative and this may take them to a different type of the

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