Persuasive Essay About Illegal Immigration

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There is and always be debate over what Is the best way to go about illegal immigration. the debate will always be a way in which the politicians which will use gain support of the voters . I personally have little interest in it myself, but for the sake of argument, I feel that it would be better for the U.S to change some of its policies in order to accommodate those who are here already. There are allot of reasons I feel as that they illegal immigrants that are here should become legal,so long as they are here to be a productive part of society, (first of all they can bring about much more cultural and economic growth to the United States.) Some of the countries that these (people are from are leaving countries of origin because of fear for their safeties). Also the one that has come over already (have families and kids that the can't leave behind), the ones that are here already also (must support those of which that are still in …show more content…

Well this is just one example of how deportation of parents can put a stain on their kids,its hard for me take care of myself I college doing laundry, clean, and sometimes even cooking. I have found it increasingly difficult to take care of myself and i'm consider an adult, not only that my mom only lives thirty minutes east of me. For me, if life ever becomes too hard, its nothing more than a forty minute car ride back to Grand Island and I'm back into the comfort of my home and family support.I could not imagine what i would do one day if a went home and my moms was not there to greet me with a hot meal and shelter, so when I hear stories of these kids losing the parent of deportation without a trace it make me feel for

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