Persuasive Essay About Evolution

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According to Charles Darwin, evolution is a concept in which all life is related to a common ancestor by descent through modification. Evolution is a broad subject, and it is a heavily debated topic whether or not it is factual. One may argue that the theory of evolution is not true partly due to his/her belief system or religion. Religion and evolution should not be associated with each other, as each subject was made to answer different questions. Science was created to explain events coming in nature while religion was created to explain phenomena beyond natural occurrences. Evolution is seen as a natural occurrence based on the amount of evidence found supporting its theory. Fossils have been found in many parts of the world. Fossils show that organisms in the past were different from what they are in today’s world. Aside from fossils, scientists found that human DNA is similar to those of a chimp, a likely common ancestor. With the evidence found, scientists can discover patterns that can potentially help us humans learn more about our species and how we can relate to other species. Evolution is important in today’s world because it has laid a foundation for modern biology. Evolution has provided scientist with an understanding of how they can treat diseases. …show more content…

The species that are here in the present day are products of evolution. Evolution has provided biological sciences with a foundation for many topics such as genetics and medicine. With the mutations in DNA, we can observe how different traits are created, and how they influence a population. Scientists can collect data on different generations, and draw relationships between species. Additionally, evolution could tell scientists how species came into existence. Evolution should be heavily stressed as it gives biological sciences an idea on how the human race can ensure survival for its present and future

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