Personality Change In The Black Cat By Edgar Allan Poe

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Edgar Allan Poe’s horror short story “The Black Cat” is about an unnamed man who goes through a major personality change. In the begin of the story the protagonist is described as an animal lover but after getting married he becomes a killer. The narrator’s perverse spirit develops from his alcoholism and from the feeling of guilt and it is relieved when he becomes temperamental and uncontrollable, killing his wife: sinful, seeing the large imprint of the cat: cursed, murdering his wife then when the police come showing them that everything is typical: abnormal.
Poe was an intelligent student he went to go study in England for five years. But after starting college his life took a turn for the worst. He became an alcoholic and had debt. Then had to quit school in less than year. His life took a turn for …show more content…

That aggratives him so such that he attacked her with an axe to the head. In the story the narrator says“ into a rage more than demoniacal, I withdrew my arm…” he murder his wife because of rage not because he was possessed by a demon. After accomplishing the hideous murder he just continued his life normal. The man think different ways of secreting the corpse before putting behind the wall of the cellar. On the second and third day after the murder the man says that his “tormentors came out” this explain that he was suffering from a severe mental disorder that was causing him commit these murders.
The large imprint of the cat shows us that the black cat still had negative effects on the man. Pluto was releasing it evil spirits to scary the man or threatening him for what he did. The bas relief was so realistic and also there was a rope around Pluto neck. In the story the narrator explain how everything got destory “ the destruction was complete.”. But ironically there was this one wall that was still intact that displayed the large bas relief of

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