Personal Statement: Fruits Of Labor

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Fruits of Labor Unfortunately more often than not, stories punctuated by the line “I hate my job” have reached my ears. The reality of mankind’s tendency to be lazy and despise hard labor stands in complete opposition to the basic truth of the universe: we must work to survive and thrive. Luckily, in the economic system in place across nearly the entire globe, the jobs we assume not only provide us with a means of self-sufficiency, but a path to better ourselves. Each and every experience in our lives provides an opportunity for growth and advancement, a fact that is usually preached in a cliche “learn from your mistakes” or “get better every day” speech. However, listening to a lecture rarely if ever prompts an immediate realization and …show more content…

The 48 bottles of water, Pepsi, or Mountain Dew I would carry at a time approached nearly 70 pounds. By the end of a gameday the burning and aching sensation from carrying weight with solely my arms and driving my body up countless flights of stairs ripped across my body like a raging wildfire, pain signals racing through my neurons and flooding my brain. The level of exhaustion I felt was in was directly correlated with the number of dollar bills in my pocket. This incredible incentive I feel has instilled me with a work ethic that is second to none. Even today, I am consistently the top seller for many games and last season finished as the overall twelfth best seller in all of Memorial Stadium. My first job, being one that I have now maintained for 5 years has been an incredibly beneficial part of my life in building my self-reliance and determination to …show more content…

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