Personal, cultural, and professional values and ethics drive the decision making process for most individuals and businesses in our society. Ethics reflect our conscience, morality and how we apply these concepts in deciding right from wrong (Covey 66). Ethical awareness is critical for how we conduct our lives and make choices in the workplace; by defining personal and ethical values, individual and business alike can become more productive members of society. a
Whether consciously considered or not, every human being has a personal philosophy by which they live by and use to interpret the world around them. Their “beliefs, concepts and attitudes” (Philosophy) are a derivative of their upbringing and personal circumstances experienced throughout the course of their lives. I was raised on the beliefs, concepts, and moral values of the Christian faith. An emphasis was placed on the Ten Commandments and provided me a moral compass to live by. In my opinion, they are perhaps the most overlooked values in today’s society. The commandments provide a balanced approach to life, similar to Steven Covey’s “True North” principles, which also provide a “theory and tools that will empower us to use our endowments to fulfill our basic needs and capacities in a balanced, principle centered way” (Covey 73). Even more importantly, I was raised by caring, loving parents that supported my dreams and taught me to have the courage to go after them. I learned from their actions, which inspired a meaningful work ethic. My Grandparents were also instrumental in my development; teaching me practicality and the importance of living within my means to avoid becoming a slave to the lender. There combined efforts taught me to be confident and responsible f...
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...n organizations that allow me to fully utilize all of my talents as they are developed. I will facilitate my organizations goals and will be a positive influence on my peers.
Works Cited
Covey, Stephen R., Roger A. Merrill, and Rebecca R. Merrill. First Things First. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994. Print
Ferrell, O. C., Fraedrich, John; Ferrell, (2012-01-01). Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making & Cases. Cengage Textbook.
“Mission & Vision”. DecisionOne Corporation. Web. 28 April 2014.
“Philosophy”. Merriam-Webster Inc. Web. 28 April 2014.
Summa Theologica of St. Thomas Aquinas, Second and Revised Edition. 1920. Literally translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province.
Ethics are the principles that shape individual lives in modern society. It is a subjective idea that seems to have a standard in society. Ethics and morals are the major factors that guide individuals to make right and wrong choices. Something that is morally right to one person might be the very opposite of what another person would view as right. There are many factors that can trigger a change in an individual’s view of morality.
Growing up our parents taught us several lessons about life values and principles that we are supposed to follow. We learn that human life is precious, we learn that we are all equal, we...
Values determine what is important in decision-making. Ethics involves conduct, the ability to determine right and wrong. All organizations face ethical dilemmas. Organizations develop corporate social responsibility in reaction to the values and expectations of society. Corporate social responsibility initiatives aim to protect public health, safety and the environment (Joyner, Payne, & Raiborn, 2002)....
My ethics and values are developed from my religious beliefs, my associations with professionals, and self experiences. My religion installs values such as honesty, courtesy, and determination, which determine how I treat other people. My association with professionals helps me to embrace values, such as determination, personal integrity, accountability, and excellence, which are fundamental in designing my academic and professional paths. The experiences I have encountered in life have taught me to observe and embrace many ethical values, including ambition, integrity, and responsibility, which enable me to associate well with my family and other members of the society.
Every individual has certain values and ethics that he/she stands by. Values give us a sense of what is important while ethics gives us a sense of what is right and wrong. Together, these qualities help guide us through our everyday life: what actions to take and what decision to make. Sticking to ethical standards allows you to stay clear of trouble; therefore, strengthening people’s trust in you. In return, this leads to gaining people’s respect and cooperation, which may result in leadership responsibilities. Therefore, we believe that personal values and ethics will affect a person’s career success. However, there are times where individuals will make unethical choices--some situations might question your resolve. This can be caused by
Ferrell, O. C., Fraedrich, J., & Ferrell, L. (2013). Business ethics: Ethical decision making and cases: 2011 custom edition (9th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.
State how these values were formed, how they influence your character, and how you came to embrace these values. (2 marks)
Living a perfect life is practically impossible. The human race is constantly hounded by do's and don't's. Where did they get such strict regulations for all to follow? From God of course. The Ten Commandments are a list of morals to abide by to be an exceptional person; they are guidelines that help to make good decisions.
I want my individual skills to progress so I can continue to be an asset to the company. In learning from my peers I will be able to share my strengths and acquire others to foster collective intelligence. I think it will be important that deliverables are meet but the group is kept viable, which is something that is often overlooked. I want continue strong relationships with my peers and be a positive contributor within any setting. This will help establish trust and work towards maintaining the accountability that is needed. In having an understanding of the brand and motives of the company already, I want to continue to ensure my work aligns with the company’s broad and narrow goals and objectives. This will help ensure I am consistent within the company, can help portray the brand within all
First, arranging moral precepts into ethical systems facilitates understanding of well-defined values, norms, and beliefs adopted by a group. In turn, groups express these beliefs by codifying them through rules, laws, and codes of conduct intended to influence decision-making, especially when a poor decision would lead to corruption, and loss of professional trust. More importantly, ethical systems provide moral justification for activities that appear to defy innate human instincts. Lastly, ethics provide insight into the cause and effect of a potential action or decision, allowing the group to determine what is right (ethical, effective, and efficient) within an established framework. All of these ethical characteristics are important to understand because they can compel an individual or group to act contrary to a universal human
Personal ethics play a crucial role in the life of everyone around us and it represents specific features and characteristics that have been formed through our family and society. Our personal ethics are influenced by cultural, beliefs, morals, and spiritual values. These decisions can have positive or negative impacts on society. In our daily lives, each and every person is responsible for making decisions that can influence those around us, such as people we work with, our family, and even those we go to school with. The focus of this paper is to identify my personal ethical values, indicate the primary influences, values that guided my decision, and the progress of my ethical goals.
Ethics are moral principles or values that govern the conduct of an individual or a group.It is not a burden to bear, but a prudent and effective guide which furthers life and success. Ethics are important not only in business but in academics and society as well because it is an essential part of the foundation on which a civilized society is built.
During everyone 's lifetime, there is always something we hold closest to our hearts; it maybe our principles we live by, values, and even our own beliefs. Values are those things that are very important to us but never really realize how much we actually value them in our life. Have you ever been asked to define three of your main values and rip them up? I have and I never noticed how much they meant to me. Each and every one of us believes in our own personal values. These values are what gives us strength and strive us to do what makes us happy. These values are very important to us and are standards that we live by whether we realize it or not. Everyone has something we value including me. Some of the values I might think highly of,
The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2001) Retrieved February 2, 2002 from the World Wide Web:
Values make up a large part of our life and influence the decisions we make. I will continue to live my life with honesty and I aim to become a person of integrity, my ambition and work ethic will help me develop into a better being. I don’t doubt that my values will carry me on to a successful and fulfilling life. Without my family and friends I would have not been able to reach the point where I am today, and I would not be able to personally grow and develop my own way of living and personal beliefs. These influences will help guide me to the path of becoming a decent man. Fortunately, I have my spirituality in hopes to continue growing and develop a better understanding of everything around me.