Personal Narrative: What Does It Means To Be Human

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What does it mean to be human? The majority of people all over the world do not know what it means to be human, or have a clear understanding of it. All of us spend are whole life trying to interpret it, but there are some who do not take the time or just do not care. The world we live in today is a busy place. We are busy caught up in our daily lives such as school, having job, technology all around, and daily activities. I think living a busy and fast life, some what prevents us from learning about ourselves and others around us. The most important part of being human is loving and accept yourself and loving others around you. Next time you have a break from life, think to yourself, what does it mean to be human, and what is my main goal …show more content…

The primitive groups we looked at were the Pygmies of Africa, Australian aboriginals, the Machiguengans of Peru, and the natives of New Guinea. Primitive peoples are some of the original humans to inhabit this planet. They lack cultural, technological, and economical advancements. Next, what I found interesting about these groups is they live a simple life. To define that clearer, they do not have technology, technological advancements, government, laws to abide by, concept of what day it is and time, and sophisticated transportation. The thing they use for themselves is Mother Nature. Mother Nature provides them with everything they need in their life such as food, shelter, clothing, personal items, and other things they may need. Men is these societies are responsible for hunting and gathering food, and as for the women, they prepared meals, made cloths and other personal items for their families, and arranged shelter for their camp site. Also the kids did their fair share in society, helping the best they can. Everyone had a chore to do from the youngest to the oldest. Another important aspect of them, is they did not possess much in the way of personal goods. Knowledge was the most important possession they valued. Finally what I have learned about these indigenous folks are, they are very spiritual and believe they are connected to everything around …show more content…

Most of my days are spent trying to understand how humans interact with one another and how they live their own way of life. I know we have one life, so spend it well. I am aware that I have emotions and feelings towards things, which can have an effect on an outcome. Also, we are all humans and believe that we are all spiritually equally (all as one). Some may be more intelligent, have higher goals and expectations, and earn more money than others. Some people think they are better than other, but we really are not. The point I am trying to get across, is that we are all spiritually equally and should get along with one another. The Native Americans had this type of view in life and some of the indigenous peoples. Next, having a high ego tends not to get you anywhere in life. It tends to make you more distant from others, because people do not like people who have a high ego and think they are better than anyone else. Finally, the most important quality I value most is caring, loving, and being there for others. People who do not have these qualities tend not to live a good life, but others who can show these characteristics live a happier life . The only way to care for others and being there for them is loving yourself

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