What does it mean to be human? The majority of people all over the world do not know what it means to be human, or have a clear understanding of it. All of us spend are whole life trying to interpret it, but there are some who do not take the time or just do not care. The world we live in today is a busy place. We are busy caught up in our daily lives such as school, having job, technology all around, and daily activities. I think living a busy and fast life, some what prevents us from learning about ourselves and others around us. The most important part of being human is loving and accept yourself and loving others around you. Next time you have a break from life, think to yourself, what does it mean to be human, and what is my main goal …show more content…
The primitive groups we looked at were the Pygmies of Africa, Australian aboriginals, the Machiguengans of Peru, and the natives of New Guinea. Primitive peoples are some of the original humans to inhabit this planet. They lack cultural, technological, and economical advancements. Next, what I found interesting about these groups is they live a simple life. To define that clearer, they do not have technology, technological advancements, government, laws to abide by, concept of what day it is and time, and sophisticated transportation. The thing they use for themselves is Mother Nature. Mother Nature provides them with everything they need in their life such as food, shelter, clothing, personal items, and other things they may need. Men is these societies are responsible for hunting and gathering food, and as for the women, they prepared meals, made cloths and other personal items for their families, and arranged shelter for their camp site. Also the kids did their fair share in society, helping the best they can. Everyone had a chore to do from the youngest to the oldest. Another important aspect of them, is they did not possess much in the way of personal goods. Knowledge was the most important possession they valued. Finally what I have learned about these indigenous folks are, they are very spiritual and believe they are connected to everything around …show more content…
Most of my days are spent trying to understand how humans interact with one another and how they live their own way of life. I know we have one life, so spend it well. I am aware that I have emotions and feelings towards things, which can have an effect on an outcome. Also, we are all humans and believe that we are all spiritually equally (all as one). Some may be more intelligent, have higher goals and expectations, and earn more money than others. Some people think they are better than other, but we really are not. The point I am trying to get across, is that we are all spiritually equally and should get along with one another. The Native Americans had this type of view in life and some of the indigenous peoples. Next, having a high ego tends not to get you anywhere in life. It tends to make you more distant from others, because people do not like people who have a high ego and think they are better than anyone else. Finally, the most important quality I value most is caring, loving, and being there for others. People who do not have these qualities tend not to live a good life, but others who can show these characteristics live a happier life . The only way to care for others and being there for them is loving yourself
The moment we learn to understand and accept the differences in others will be when everyone will flourish and live in peace. Instead of trying to outdo someone’s accomplishments ideas, or mentalities, one must learn to recognize and appreciate their accomplishments and attitudes and influence or encourage a positive response instead. There is no need to fight for the title of greatest, funniest or best in a group or representative for a group. The moment we all stop competing with each other will be when we all understand an learn how to cooperate and appreciate each
What does it mean to be human? To most people it means being high on the food chain; or having the ability to make our own choices. People everywhere have a few things in common: We all must obey Natural laws, and we have preconceived ideas, stereotypes, and double standards. Being human is simply conveyed as human nature in “The Cold Equations”, by Tom Godwin, where the author shows the common ground that makes each and every one of us human.
Unlike the Paleo-Indians, the Archaic Indians lived in large groups which they needed to be stationary for most of the year. This being said, the Archaic Indians had to change their lifestyle. While the Paleo-Indians were known as a hunting and gathering group, the Archaic people were the ones to introduce agriculture. Agriculture was the most important feature of the Archaic tradition. Cultivating their own food required the Archaic people to gain knowledge of their environment; they learned about the seasonal cycles. Another important feature is their subsistence farming and tools. The Archaic people adapted to what their environment provided and made use of everything. In the coastal area of Arica, the Chinchorro adapted to their environment by living mainly on products from the sea. Besides the food provided from farming, the native people hunted animals for their meat, but they didn’t the other parts of the animal to go a waste. They carved the animals’ bones into tools and used their fur for clothes or shelter. These features represent environmental religions because the Archaic people wisely used their environment’s resources; this demonstrated respect to the Earth.
Ancient Aboriginals were the first people to set foot on the Australian continent, over 40,000 years or more before Colonization (Eckermann, 2010). They survived by hunting and gathering their food, worshipping the land to protect its resources, and ensuring their survival. The aboriginal community had adapted to the environment, building a strong framework of social, cultural, and spiritual beliefs (Eckermann, 2010).
Second, we are selfish. As a human we are nature selfish. Some may say no I’m not selfish but deep down every human being have some type selfishness inside. Always want the best for people but once our love once is involved we go all out to make it happen. We value our own people more than other. It can’t change no matter what happen. In the article “The Myth of Universal Love” Stephen T. Asma claims “that the equality of human beings is “unproven.” It’s interesting that he feels no need to show that it is unproven and merely has to assert it, as if asserting it is a sufficiently rigorous argument.” In other words, Asma believe that it is obvious that people favor their family over their friends, their friends over their acquaintances, and acquaintances over strangers.
In reality we should see each other as equal, because if not it limits us and it will become harder to achieve our full potential. We can not hide our true selves and try to become something we are not, because what’s the point? All that’s doing is promoting judgment and we will get nowhere because there will always be second thoughts on our next actions. The moment we stop and accept everybody for who they are is the same moment we release our true selves and show others what we really can
To be human is to be able think and learn without any restraints. To have an opinion all to one's self even if it my clash with someone else's. To be human is to have emotion. One must be able to smile, cry, laugh or shout without living in fear of the consequence. One must also have the feelings of love and hate. To be human, one would also be able to have a religion. Instilled morals and values are also a part of be human. Where one gets these values are from their families and friends, without those, a person would simply be an empty shell.
Various myths about culture and their terrible eradication plague the Native Americans from the nineteenth century. One very popular myth about Natives is that their society was extremely primitive and their culture very gentle and loving of nature; in reality this is incorrect.
In the end, our society needs to realize that everyone is created equally, no individual is greater than the other. We as all breathe the same air, come from the same creator, and bleed the same blood. The faster we realize this simple concept the better because how can a society progress when it doesn’t even accept it’s own
Their convictions were not comprehended and the intricacy of their religion was not seen. This was somewhat the aftereffect of not having a composed arrangement of rules. In the place of ministers and pastors were shaman and medicine men. These men were sometimes said to speak with the divine beings. They were astute and experienced and they delighted in a larger amount of status among their groups. They had essential parts in choices, functions, and customs. "The culture, values and traditions of native people amount to more than crafts and carvings. Their respect for the wisdom of their elders, their concept of family responsibilities extending beyond the nuclear family to embrace a whole village, their respect for the environment, their willingness to share - all of these values persist within their own culture even though they have been under unremitting pressure to abandon them(Berger, paragraph
What shapes our identity? Who are we? Who will we become? Main question we ask ourselves throughout the courses of our life. I know I have asked myself this a thousand times. Who am I? Many people begin the wonder what shapes our identity and how can we start to identify those traits. Have you ever just looked in the mirror and thought to yourself, why am I like this… These questions come from so many things that happen in our life. Our environment, our friends and most of all the way we were raised. The biggest factor in our identities is the way we were raised. We try so hard to please our parents that we forget how to please ourselves, I think thats called an “identity crisis”. Throughout this essay, I want to touch on a few experiences in my life that got
Identity-“Ones personal qualities.”Identiy is something only he or she can fully define. My uncle says I am affectionate,cheerful, and calm. My grandmother sees me as slim, pretty and sweet. My dad described me as perky, cheerful and happy, my mom says beautiful, gentle, and self-conscious. These adjectives describe me accurately, yet they are only abstract versions of me. Adjectives cannot begin to describe me and I aknowlege these descriptions for what they are, a condensed translation from my outward self to the world. It is impossible for anyone to understand me completely because nobody has experienced the things I have. My mother has never cherished a raggedy doll named Katie and my father never spent hours upon hours making collages and scrap books for his future children. My uncle never hid in the back of a pick-up-truck and traveled four hours to New York and my grandmother has never walked hours in the rain looking for the Queen of England. My identity is something only I can define.
Imagine a world where you can live off of the land, have unrestricted access to education, and where you don’t have to worry about wars and conflict. Sounds too perfect to be true, right? Well, a new discovery of a lost tribe has been recently revealed that they lived peaceful and harmonious lives based on the native language of the tribe. Anthropologist have been studying and focusing on the tribe’s language. They discovered that the tribe had a very family oriented lifestyle. Anthropologist also learned about the lost tribe spiritual beliefs, education, the way they lived, how they lived, and the geographical area where they settled.
Bobby, One of most profitable and strong industries in the United States is the Sports industry because it ranges from College Sports for both men and women, Professional sports ranging from professional hockey (NHL), professional basketball (NBA), professional baseball (MLB), professional football (NFL), and many others. This is personally one of my favorite industries and one that I have quite a few experiences as a consumer. Overall the majority of the industries are making more money than they ever have but this is mostly contributed to the distribution of video rights of their services through various media streams. For example, one of the most successful and a personal favorite of mine is the MLB service which comes in a few different packages and can be distributed through many devices including
Humans may be one of the most complex species on this earth thus far. We are the only known species who contemplates their existence so deeply and writes novels worth of work on it. But what exactly does it mean to be a human and how is our humanness defined? For centuries philosophers have written countless works on what they believe makes a person truly humane and how we differentiate between those who are “bad” and those who are “good” humans. In a world that is so subjective and that has so many opinions, routes, and options this may be one of the hardest concepts to define.