What does it mean to live a meaningful life? There is no ‘wrong answer’ to this question, because everyone experiences life differently. For me personally, I believe a life well- lived is one that happens through your own pursuit of happiness. I don’t think a good life is about your net worth or how nice your car is when you die; it’s the journey you took to your own end. It's how you’ve grown in your lifetime and the struggles that have shaped who you are. “[It is a] provisional existence of [an] unknown limit,” as stated by Victor Frankl in A Man’s Search for Meaning. Life is suffering, but it is also how you perceive that suffering and choose to live your life. This class has guided me through a path of self-discovery and has helped me …show more content…
Individually, I live by my own pursuit of happiness in order to live my best life. My personal pursuit of happiness is governed by moral and ethical principles that shape who I am including: honesty, law abiding, trust, and kindness. These principles are the fundamental basis of who I am and shape the kind of person I am and wish to become. I believe these principles were influenced by my family and environment growing up, and later by my growth and understanding of the world surrounding me. Explaining the importance of honesty isn’t difficult; it’s the basis of trust, and I am also an incredibly terrible liar. Trust is important to establish in a relationship with anyone, and once that trust is broken, it must be rebuilt. Law abiding ties into my personal moral code because we discussed in class the topic of speeding, and breaking the law if no one will find you out. It is important to follow the laws that keep us safe, but I don’t believe all laws are equal. When I was 16 years old, I was arrested for possession of marijuana. The context of this story is a bit silly because I was not pulled over, I was not caught doing drugs, nor was I doing anything particularly wrong at the time. I actually called the police in a time of need - it was 2 am and I had just
Wolf’s “The Meanings of Lives”, states a meaningful life must have some subjective and objective element to it and must be somewhat successful; Wolf’s idea of subjectivity is that projects and activities eventually make life meaningful. The projects must fulfill certain circumstances on the subjective and objective side. I’m going to introduce Wolf’s “fitting fulfillment” idea, raise a point against it and argue her idea, that success defines a meaningful life.
Again, I believe Taylor is missing some important feature to his theory. It seems he is correct in stating one should have their own sense of meaning to their life not just others’ perception that one’s life is meaningful. However, there is still the problem of giving equal meaning to everyone life that is doing what they love to do. As a result, to answer this problem one could suggest in order for one to have a meaningful life a person must be subjectively fulfilled by pursuing objectively valuable ends. This way it ensures the person must find meaning in their own lives as well as creating something that benefits many that will give others the perception the person has a meaningful life.
We need to stop asking about the meaning of life, and instead to think of ourselves as those being questioned by life - daily and hourly. " With this, Dr. Frankl shows how when one loses the means to look to the future and see the possibilities that it holds, one loses the capacity to survive, because, that individual no longer understands the meaning of his suffering. In other words, the individual loses hope or gives up. Dr. Frankl also explains that the means for the suffering or the hope must be one worthy of the suffering required. "A man who becomes conscious of the responsibility he bears towards a human being affectionately waits for him, or to an unfinished work, will never be able to through away his life.
What does it mean to live? Does it mean that you are merely alive and breathing, or can it be defined by possessions and money? While living the life everyone else is living, has everyone forgotten how to be truly alive? Has the ability to be independent and make the discoveries to make their lives worthwhile instead of a clone of the societies around the world been buried beneath the need for progression? In “Where I Lived and What I loved For,” by Henry David Thoreau, Thoreau reflected on his time living alone in the forest and what he learned throughout this experience in order to answer these questions. Living isn’t just being alive; it is making choices to make one 's life something other than a replica of the thousands of lives that
Life is an individual’s existence, life is something a person claims, life can be something a person wants to become, but what truly makes life worth living? Some individuals believe that humans exist and time proceed to go and that is just how life is, perhaps some may think that life is where people live and die for no cost and others believe that there is a God who created an ending for lives that are lived, they either go to heaven or hell. Humans live in a society where a person constructs a living, every decision comes with a outcome in the future and this future may possibly good or bad. A person in this type of society has a choice to be successful or to be lazy, to be a admirable or to be dreadful, to be righteous or to be evil, or
At one time I was thinking about my life as a whole, and did it have meaning and if so what that was. Also, how could I improve myself and make my life more valuable and virtuous and worthy. My thinking lead me to conclude that I shouldn’t expect one event or accomplishment to define a good life. Rather, a good life was a complex thing
There are many things that have molded me into the person I am today such as being born into a family with four children. With three siblings, I have been forced to be able to work out problems from stealing each other’s toys to having to rush to the emergency room to get stiches because my brother chased me around the house and I tripped. My mother, father, brother, and two sisters were all born in Pennsylvania and I am the odd ball and I was born in Adrian, Michigan. From when I was a child I always loved being involved with sports because of my competitive nature. I grew up playing soccer and having success with that but then my love changed and I began playing lacrosse and football. I started playing lacrosse in middle school and played
Summer vacation, and school ends for about three months, and then you have as much fun as you can, then back to school… right? Well I had to go to summer school, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Everything was going fine, I had a job after summer school, and that was going fine as well. They say that summer is supposed to be fun and exciting, and it usually is for me and my family. However in July my father started coughing up blood. My father usually doesn’t make it his top priority to go to the doctors, so he waited about four weeks until he really didn’t feel good.
The journey of life follows a predetermined pattern; we evolve from needing influence and guidance to finally reaching that point where our lives are up to us. I consider myself very lucky up to this point in my journey. Some people become sidetracked and wind up on a far different course than initially planned, but the detours I made have only assisted in embellishing the individual instead of devouring it.
There have been tons of things that I have learned and been taught in my life, by a number of people such as family, teachers, or even friends on occasion. The things they taught me vary from math and other related subjects to just some truly simple yet meaningful life lessons. However, there is nothing quite as unique, quite as special as a person teaching themselves a life lesson. It really is an amazing accomplishment for a person to teach themselves something. It is not quite as simple as another person teaching them something because it is not just the transferring of information from one person to another. The person instead has to start from scratch and process the information they have in their mind in order to come up with a new thought
As we grow up in this world of choices, we are taught certain principles by our parents that as we grow up define us in who we became as teenagers and adults. We can choose many different paths in this life whether they be selfish or selfless because we all are taught different principles because of the background in which we come from. My own personal beliefs tell me that we need to be kind, and that we need to live our lives with courage. There are a host of quotes that I like to live by and keep in mind.
What makes a meaningful life? It varies for each person as we are all very unique and different from one another. Even the definition of what is meaningful will vary as it may be making an imprint/significance in their lifetime or a happy life is enough to be meaningful. Though there is so much variation among the definition, there are some essentials that could relate across the board. The recipe to having a meaningful life may contain the ingredients of: happiness, fulfillment, authenticity, living more fully in the present and having a sense of purpose.
Nevertheless ,we just appreciate life The meaning of life is finding the meaning of life and meanwhile live the life enjoying everything you do, if you don 't like something just change it. Trial and error.if i can do it all time I do little time then it will be easy to do it because when I know what meaning of life puts me in power place in life if I know meaning of life I so Know should have high position because I knew what my captives because I like the job that I worked on it and it was interesting that helps me to make design in difficult. people should make contrast between difficult things and easy things meaning of life-like travel you should know what are going to travel you have to search and find a comfortable seat in the plant meaning dream what abilities what ideas in shudder what he did accomplish the people Being stratification about yourself for what have that a diomed of life things the money is the most important things that find meaning of life and this
We might not have the same opinions, paths, and ways of living; but we all, millions of people around the world, share the same purpose of life: Being able to say “I am having a good life!” What we mean by “good life” is living in pure happiness and having a wonderful peace of mind. The difference between us is that each one of us chooses a different way in his pursuit of happiness. Some find it in stability with a big house, a family, and a good paying job. Some find it in adventure and wildness, travel, and taking risks. While others don’t really have specific criteria or an organized plan, they just believe that happiness comes with living each day as if it was the last, with no worries about the rest. Personally, I find it in trying to be the best version of myself, in staying true to my principles, and in the same time in being able to make my own decisions; which reminds me of what George Loewenstein said “Just because we figure out that X makes people happy and they're choosing Y, we don't want to impose X on them.”
Everyone 's goal in life is to make sure they live a meaningful life, it 's what makes people motivated and how they rate themselves. We all run into this quandary which has challenged philosophers, scientists, and a numerous amount of other people. ‘How do we live a full and meaningful life?’ No one has entirely figured out how to live a meaningful life, but there are several key points researchers have found that help people find their meaning and satisfaction in life. We need to know what 's important to us, pursue our passion, discover our life 's purpose, spend more on people than things, express ourselves and have courage, prioritize human connection with others, and know meaning and happiness