Personal Narrative: The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald

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The question is can you “repeat the past” like Gatsby wanted to do with Daisy. Though to be honest yes you very well could try to repeat the past; but in all realization it would never be one-hundred percent the same as it was the very first original time it occurred. In my opinion I wouldn’t like going and repeating the past. To begin with, my life five years ago was very swell. I was fourteen years old and in the eighth grade. I hadn’t got a job yet, I didn’t have very many friends, I was very shy and antisocial and was always on the computer. I was getting excited about my Washington D.C. trip with my school but I was also very nervous about having to share a room and a bed. I was even more nervous because I knew what shorty was going to follow; which was me going over to the high school to become a freshman. I was only so nervous because it was going to be a new place, a new school and a bunch of new faces around me. Then again I was very happy in life because I had set goals but I am also very happy in life now. To add, if it wasn't for my decisions that I made within the last five years I might not be here where I am today in life. With all my amazing grades, all the organizations I am apart of and all my other accomplishments. The best motto to keep in mind is “the past is the …show more content…

Such as a mother giving birth to their little ones, a man and woman on their wedding day, when their loved one asks them to be theirs or when they get down on knee and ask that special someone a special question or when the guys hears the “I Do “. Then again I don’t see the importance of Gatsby going back in time to try to keep Daisy, they have two different life styles, to much of a personality difference it just would not be worth the trouble to go back and relive it knowing that it still wasn’t ever going to happen again or go back to

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