Personal Narrative-The Ear Of Peanut Butter

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At first, I am ready to dive in. I am thrilled to take that jump, to stop him in the hall, and softly start to say to him “Hello”. It is the same feeling that I get when opening that fresh new jar of peanut butter. The soothing, yet exhilarating feeling of removing the lid, and grabbing that cold silver spoon, and just dipping it in. In a beginning relationship, I try to let all of the good things sink in and praise what I have. I know I must savor each moment because I never know when it could abandon me. I know that savoring every bite of the creamy goodness is crucial to the experience of consuming the peanut butter. I soon become aware as I see the amount decreasing, that it will soon be all gone. When I am with him, I am at home. I never …show more content…

I find myself asking for more and more time. I want to be with him forever, and I never want to find the end of this jar. We go to his place, we are alone and he leans over to me and gently says “Sweetheart, I love you” and kisses me. I feel my heart racing as I reply and show him how much he matters to me. I witness myself enjoying each second with him. It is funny how a kiss is a spoonful of peanut butter. As with peanut butter, I enjoy every bite, every time the spoon touches my tongue, and every time I feel that creamy texture. Everything at this time just seems perfect and I could be in this state for as long as I …show more content…

As much as it pains me to say goodbye, I knew this was bound to happen. I start to think of how I will grow stronger and all the delightful time spent taking part in this relationship. I find myself asking if it is worth it to find the good in this. I figured it was not, and I should just try to push through it all. I know myself better than that. I knew I would cry, and that is exactly what I did. I knew I could no longer be strong. And just when I thought it could not get any worse, I reach the end. I see the clear plastic at the bottom and I freeze. I cannot believe this is happening to me. I start to think of how I could recover, or if I ever

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