Starting My Day 1 First I arrive at work and use badge to enter the building 2 Next I have to go through security check which requires my purse and its contents (cellphones turned off, no pencils, pens or paper, not even eyeliner nothing that can be used to write on or with. 3 Then I arrive at my desk and put away all prohibited material which is my purse and cellphone they must be locked in my desk until my break or lunch. 4 Then I am allowed to clock into work and begin my day. 5 Next, I await my manager to do a desk sweep and run last clearance check which consists of some of the same previous checks the only difference is assurance of purse being locked away. 6 After receiving final clearance from my operations manager I receive a four-digit code to log into the work computer. 7 Then I login into company …show more content…
computer and phone systems. 8 Next I am given a task to complete in 20 mins my first task is to update my client list; this is a listing of new accounts that have been added to my roster. These are also accounts that are new to company and debtors have not been contacted from PRA about these accounts. 9 Now I begin to start to review my existing client list which consists on accounts that have been either paid off, settled in full, out of statue, disputed, fraud/invalid, and or sent to legal 10 Next I began to review my monthly collection totals, review what’s left to be received in receivables, This step informs me if I have reached my company set goal for my monthly collections.
It will also inform you of what your totals for the upcoming month will be from that period of time. Also this is one of the most important tools the company provides you to keep you focused, aware and prepared due to each month your collection goals increasing so those with tenure like me are able to keep our checks and balances. 11 Next I check my voicemails and emails for company, customer, legal, credit consulting association, and internal revenue correspondences that might require a call back or response email. Each employee must first and foremost respond to any contact made. The reason for this is strictly due to sometimes cease and desist has been ordered and if you contact them you have broken the law. In which these can cause the company to be liable if taken to
court. 12 Finally I make my first collection call of the day I must first verify that I have contacted the right person. I then must identify company and the purpose of call then by law I required to read the company mini Miranda, FDCPA disclosure, and depending on state is disclosure. Next inform the debtor of balance owed and its original creditor. secondly, listen to the debtor and notate conversation on the computer , if customer denies debit, acknowledge the debt, or disagrees with balance, or validates the debt. This step informs me of what I need to do with next with account. For instance, if debtor denies account I am required to recheck verifications on the account i.e. Date of birth, social security number, and addresses. So let’s say for example the debtor’s birthday is 01/06/2009 and the account was opened in 02/02/2012 I know this would be a case of fraud and from this point, the account is to be turned over to disputes. Sadly to say that it’s very common for younger children’s parents to create accounts in there children’s name sadly they are still responsible for them.
4. At the end of 2 hours, you will be told to stop. Put your pencils down IMMEDIATELY. Failure to do so
The article discusses, “The weapon detection program requires 9 security officers for approximately 2 hours
Individual locations, or groups of lockers, can be opened for inspections, cleaning or maintenance. In the event of forced entry, a “locker alarm” is registered on the activity log, showing the date and time. All the information in the locker administration program is password protected. Managers or administrators can choose who has access to locker information and which task each user can perform.
5. No party member will use, point, or fire a weapon of any kind unnecessarily or accidentally at anyone.
5. Chose one solution and carry it out. Then ask if it has been working.
3. Lastly, under no circumstances will you swear at our wife, if there are ladies present.
2 - I´m sending again new follow up with scheduling to payment in Monday to the supplier TO-U Pack.
5. The system is legible, we producible and at the end of the tax year
more than half a dozen parking spaces, of those three are occupied by employees. As you
My workplace is government-owned. The government employers require notified employees that the organization check and watch employees' use of the e-mail /Internet. For example, upon accepting employment with the federal government, the federal government notified that the person that there is monitoring of the Email/Internet usage. The monitoring covers the telephone, co...
Yesterday felt eccentric. I was running late for reading an article on facebook. I tapped my ID badge only to find out it’s not giving me an access to the entrance anymore. Not just once, twice, thrice, but probably a gazillion times. Or maybe, it doesn’t work on that door. So I tried the other, and still no luck. My supervisor came in. We went in together. “Am I gonna get fired?” I jokingly asked. “No, you’re not,” she replied with conviction.
the employees and vice versa. This is a way to make sure everyone will access
Imagine that it is 7 AM on a Monday morning, the kids have just been dropped off at school, and you sip the last of your first and last cup of coffee pulling into the parking lot of your office. You have a looming deadline in a few hours, a chance at a potential promotion, and three hours of sleep the night before. As you make it into the building, you discover that you forgot the
Communication is important in life. Companies need to communicate with other companies and customers. The managers also need to communicate with the staff. The technology provides us with many means of communication, the most important of which is e-mail.