Personal Narrative-Pacific Beach

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Vacation is usually the time one sleeps in, yet here I am at six in the morning on Pacific Beach in sunny San Diego. I take notice of the sweat as it drips down my brow, over my cheekbone, and off my face. Trying to catch my breath, dragging in as much air into my lungs as possible. I lay out my blue, green, and white beach towel down and slip off my shoes as I walk into the shallow water to help cool down. Looking down at my toes, I watch the tide flow up and down the bank. I pull myself from my thoughts as the sky alights into a canvas of pale peach and popping-pink layered over the incandescent sun. It is mesmerizing to watch as the deep indigo of the night sky and the shining silver of the moon fades away into a soft periwinkle. The sun’s rays illuminate the clouds, making them look like glowing coral fairy floss from the town fair. Just beneath the fluffy clouds, I see California surfers sitting on their boards, waiting for one last wave before they …show more content…

To some, the smell of seaweed and salt may cause them to turn away, but I revel in this experience as it’ll remain in my memory for a lifetime. The smell so strong I can almost taste it. My hair blows around, strands caught in front of my face. Opening my eyes, I push my hair back to see the light reflecting off the surface of the water making the ocean glitter and gleam. Listening to the crashing of the waves is the perfect white noise to drown out the waking streets behind me. I watch as the wave approaches the shore, rising high and dropping down, the chilly saltwater coming to a slow roll as it runs over my feet, seaweed catching at my ankles. As it retreats back into the water, the sand around my feet goes with it causing my heels to sink deeper into the ground. Giggling to myself I look down the beach seeing how high the tide was last night by the line of seaweed left

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