Personal Narrative: My Life In A Soccer School Soccer Team

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My life begins in Lynwood California. I was born in Saint Francis Hospital. As a kid I always enjoyed sports. Part of the reason I always enjoyed sports was because of my father. When I was 7 years old my dad chose to put me in a soccer team. I will always be thankful for that. I grew up in a family that has always been very united. I highlight my life by one downfall that my family had to encounter however it made me the strongest I can be and will ever be. From that downfall I have learned to love life and everything around me. It was in the middle of March and the last months of my eighth grade year. My school year was ending great. It was time of the year in which soccer season was about to start, truly I was excited about joining the school soccer team. Immediately after trying out I was the first person picked on the team. I was also named captain and would be the face of this team, it was an incredible feeling. Soon the season would start, however two days before it started my life would have an one-hundred degree turn. It was the middle of practice when suddenly I started to vomit , before I knew it I had fainted. My lack of nutrition led me to an illness which gave me a …show more content…

This illness caused me massive headaches. These headaches were so painful a doctor once told me “ If I were to chop off your leg while you are in pain, you would not feel it”. Three months of my life were hell! An experience I would not desire anyone to have! Am I that weak that I am unable to defeat this illness? I believed so. The desire of living and making everyone know the strength I had , made me overcome my illness ( Hemicrania Continua ). It took about two years to get the illness out of my system. It was not easy! Doctors, Family and friends believed I would die. I thank my family for all the support they gave me. Without them I strongly believe I would not be able to share my story this

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